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Nebraska @Iowa - Friday - 6:05 pm - 4-21-23 - Iowa City - Game 1 of 3

298 for Efry

another dp!!
6-3, stepping across 2nd base
to 1st
inning over!!!!!!!! :(

btm of 8th coming up
4-11 We are toast!

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Definitely not our night….

Bad pitching…Only 5 hits… and hit into what 3 DPs ??…and Brice’s Error once again killed us…

Quadruple whammy.

dribbler to the right
toss to 2nd not in time
bad play!!! should have
taken out at 1st!

Another boner!!
2 on and 0 outs :(

As said a few minutes ago, our bullpen is in trouble for rest of weekend. Used a lot of arms tonite!
1 out ; hit to cf
1 out!!!!!!

Moss ab


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