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Skunkman, we need good people like you in the stadium. Hopefully you will be there. :)

Yup, I agree. I have never met the Skunk but I sorta feel like I know him from those calls and from reading his posts here. Other good post-game callers are Richie in Papillion and Husker Les from Omaha. And Kenzie, the little girl who would call in and talk about "sexy Rexy," was always good for a chuckle.

Especially for his post game call in!

Yup, I agree. I have never met the Skunk but I sorta feel like I know him from those calls and from reading his posts here. Other good post-game callers are Richie in Papillion and Husker Les from Omaha. And Kenzie, the little girl who would call in and talk about "sexy Rexy," was always good for a chuckle.

There is another one out west; SportsFan I think his handle is. He wanted them to take him first instead of Richie all the time.
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