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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Minnesota fans' experiences in Lincoln..

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As Husker fans this is one of the items we should be most proud of. The atmosphere that we create is one of friendliness and welcoming to others.... what more can we ask for, than to treat people the way WE WOULD want them to treat our own mother. I love the games, but reading these threads every week is really just as good as the stat lines.
Note to the athletic department, the Huskervision folks, or whoever it is that needs to hear it...

Notice how many of the responses in that GopherHole thread mentioned that there was more "piped in" music than they have seen elsewhere and that the band and student section were nondescript. We've seen such remarks about our band before. Should fix it. The student section thing could be fixed if we: A- stop limiting the number of student tickets sold and, B- not stick at least half of them in crappy, distant-from-the-field seats.

And yeah yeah- I know all the financial arguments against that. It's all been discussed here many times before. But thst's the nature of business....some times you sacrifice financial gains on one end because you think other considerations are worthy of being a art of the big picture. Our student section and band are also-rans for the same reason that Maryland (Woo-Hoo !:rolleyes:) is now a member of the BIG.

I've been to quite a few games in Lincoln. Reading through the Gophers' comments made me realize that there are a lot more experiences and places to visit in Lincoln on Game Day. I've been missing out on a few... :)

Great read...thanks Formo! I did like how farmboy called Runza's a "hot pocket thingie". Classic...

Oddly enough, I didn't get a chance to try one out. Will have many more trips to Lincoln to check it off my list, though!

why didn't you buy one at the game? they have vendors working the aisles.... :)

Didn't see any vendors other than the Valentino's and drink vendors. But then again, I spent half the game with my head buried in my hands... =P
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