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Michigan Week Practice Thread: 28 Sept. Coach Rhule

I just can't, if I do I will get banned.

quick question for a friend: why are walk-ons playing football? asking for a friend, because I do not think they are doing it because they actually have to pay for tuition, housing, food, books, etc. (from your post). They are doing it because they can afford to pay tuition, housing, food books etc. without a scholarship and want to play. Think of it as pro bono work.
How would you get banned?

Very uneducated post.

1. Walk ons in most cases are taking out student loans just like other students. So you think regular students are going to college because they can afford to pay for it?

2. Most are playing because they are not yet ready to give up on their dreams. Now you can say that is a pipedream. However, it is their dream.

3. Last but not least, Many of our greatest players through the years have been walk ons. A very recent example. Spencer Long. Just a kid from Elkhorn. Ended up having a 4 year career as an NFL center. We could sure use him and Jake about now.
Good post. Pretty sure he's been hitting his logo too much.

Very uneducated post.

1. Walk ons in most cases are taking out student loans just like other students. So you think regular students are going to college because they can afford to pay for it?

2. Most are playing because they are not yet ready to give up on their dreams. Now you can say that is a pipedream. However, it is their dream.

3. Last but not least, Many of our greatest players through the years have been walk ons. A very recent example. Spencer Long. Just a kid from Elkhorn. Ended up having a 4 year career as an NFL center. We could sure use him and Jake about now.

Look, what is uneducated is jumping in the middle without looking at context and e And nothing I said contradicts what you are saying, its just nit the point. Let me summaruze:

Lavaman said people are getting beat up everyday in their jobs to make a living just like football players. Then, he threw out walkons as an example of those people. Walkons are definitely not playing football to make a living. They have other means to live and get medical, education, food etc so they are not a valid example of what he was claiming. You entire posf is irrelevant in that context.

Look, what is uneducated is jumping in the middle without looking at context and e And nothing I said contradicts what you are saying, its just nit the point. Let me summaruze:

Lavaman said people are getting beat up everyday in their jobs to make a living just like football players. Then, he threw out walkons as an example of those people. Walkons are definitely not playing football to make a living. They have other means to live and get medical, education, food etc so they are not a valid example of what he was claiming. You entire posf is irrelevant in that context.
Does this come in English?

Article on front page says Fox will switch from USC-Colorado to our game on time even if USC's game runs over, but the article is from Michigan media and just says in that market. Probably would cut over on time in Nebraska too, but surely not everywhere.

I live in Colorado (gulp). I can't think of anything I'd rather miss part of a husker game for than what would have to be a surprisingly close CU game against USC. Not.
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Article on front page says Fox will switch from USC-Colorado to our game on time even if USC's game runs over, but the article is from Michigan media and just says in that market. Probably would cut over on time in Nebraska too, but surely not everywhere.

I live in Colorado (gulp). I can't think of anything I'd rather miss part of a husker game for than what would have to be a surprisingly close CU game against USC. Not.

Hoping USC puts those buffaloes down quickly.


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