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Michigan State Week Practice Nov.2 Coach Rhule

Did you really interpret the statement I made to mean that?
Sorry. I'm trying to understand what your expectations were with the guys who were blocking up front this past weekend.
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Sorry. I'm trying to understand what your expectations were with the guys who were blocking up front this past weekend.
It's pretty simple. Like I said I miss the days when it wasn't about how bad the other team was, but how good 'we' are. 'We' are not yet a good football team by any objective standard. That doesn't make 'us' a bad football team, just not a good one. When there are statements about the how bad the other team is at something, and then 'we' don't demonstrate that with on the field results, that demonstrates the rest. It means nothing more or nothing less. It certainly doesn't mean anything about playing on conference championship games, or that there are complaints about anything. It's not a binary, either or, statement.

It's pretty simple. Like I said I miss the days when it wasn't about how bad the other team was, but how good 'we' are. 'We' are not yet a good football team by any objective standard. That doesn't make 'us' a bad football team, just not a good one. When there are statements about the how bad the other team is at something, and then 'we' don't demonstrate that with on the field results, that demonstrates the rest. It means nothing more or nothing less. It certainly doesn't mean anything about playing on conference championship games, or that there are complaints about anything. It's not a binary, either or, statement.

Look on the bright side.

In the past 10 or so years, those really bad teams you are referring to beat our asses. Not lately.

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I agree with Rhule on this. Todd Blackledge late during the Wisconsin/OSU game was running down B1G West games on the day and said Nebraska won a close one over Purdue. Since when is a 17 point win ever a close game? That's not a blow out but its not close either.
You ARE talking about Todd Blackledge. Media has an agenda and that’s what they talk to. Typically he is not an idiot, but in zero sense of the word was that game close.
Anywhere I can catch the entire press conference? I see OWH has it but I'm not subscribed to them.

I agree with Rhule on this. Todd Blackledge late during the Wisconsin/OSU game was running down B1G West games on the day and said Nebraska won a close one over Purdue. Since when is a 17 point win ever a close game? That's not a blow out but its not close either.
They think they have us where they want us, but in reality


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