Is there anyone on here that has property or knows anyone with property in NW Nebraska? I have a buddy that is 0-2 chasing Merriam's, we're working on dates for a 2022 Merriam hunt in that part of the state.
Is there anyone on here that has property or knows anyone with property in NW Nebraska? I have a buddy that is 0-2 chasing Merriam's, we're working on dates for a 2022 Merriam hunt in that part of the state.
Population in Kansas is down roughly 60%. Where you see birds in a flock multiply the number you see by 5-8 and that's how many there used to be. I do believe the Douglas County area has a decent population though. Some areas still have a good number of birds, just the overall statewide population is low. 1 bird a person and covid has helped my area quite a bit. The next plan is a secret treat for Raccoon removal, there are so many raccoons aka nest thieves. For secret ingredients pm me.Wish I did. How are the numbers in KS? I read they've tightened up the bag limit (to 1) in eastern KS.
I just bought a place in Douglas County KS and close on Apr 30th so hoping to chase a gobbler the first weekend of May.
What about Webster?
I'll see myself out.