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MBB NU @ Penn State 12:05 thread

I like Miles, but I am also tempered a little by the fact that they are playing another poor team today.

I say that less about today (PSU is not good) and more about the way they battle UM and MSU. Clearly this is not a very talented team at the moment so I was impressed with those games even though losses.

It will be all about the players. We heard the same "love the way they play" stuff early in Doc's run. Not to say that Miles is Doc. I seriously doubt he will flop like Doc...but he's gonna have to get the players. SOUNDS like he's doing ok in that dept. so far.

I think the recruits coming in are better than what Doc was able to land. But of course, only time will tell, has me excited though.

Announcer mentioned NU has really struggled since PSU went to the zone. My question is why would anyone play anything OTHER than a zone. If I could get NU shooting jumpers and 3's more often than not I like my odds. Probably one of the worst 3 shooting teams in the nation.


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