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Let not your heart be troubled.


All Big 10
10 Year Member
Right now we are going through a bit of a dry spell on recruiting, and it has some folks in full panic mode. Right now, our fan base is kind of like going through tobacco withdrawals. We had bad things happening for a long time to our body but it felt good. Scott frost era recruiting was like that. We would get a quick fix from a high-level recruit. However, it would not last as very few stuck around all 4 years. So, we needed another fix, only to have the same thing happen again and again. Now we had a nice run going on. Got 2 elite 11 QBs last year. got a couple WR in the transfer portal. had some guys come out of nowhere that look very promising. So much like the nicotine high. We hoped it would last forever. Now we are feeling depressed because a few things did not go our way.

So let me take you back a year. At this time last year:

1. we had no class QB.
2. Our OL recruits were not looking like they were trending our way.
3. Our only WRs were good but local "so of course we got them"
4. Raiola was the one we could have had but he was too good for us.

How did we end up?
1. 2 Elite QB recruits including arguably the best in the class. (Who about this time had just left OSU and committed to GA.)
2. Managed to hold on to a second top QB even though most thought he would run for the hills when Raiola Committed here.
3. A very solid OL class including a top recruit (Brix) out of Iowa who almost no one believed was coming here.
4. The best punter in the country.
5. 2 FL linebackers that are both so good they could compete this year.

Not to mention that the end of the recruiting "Cycle" last year was just the beginning for this group of coaches. Since the class was rated, we got a DL from Germany and a pretty darn good RB out of a prep school.

This group of coaches does not give up just because they were shot down. Do not be surprised if 2 or three of the guys who committed elsewhere the last few days end up here. These guys try to hit it out of the park every day. Because if you aimed to hit it beyond the stands. clearing the centerfield wall becomes easy.

Have faith and GBR.

Right now we are going through a bit of a dry spell on recruiting, and it has some folks in full panic mode. Right now, our fan base is kind of like going through tobacco withdrawals. We had bad things happening for a long time to our body but it felt good. Scott frost era recruiting was like that. We would get a quick fix from a high-level recruit. However, it would not last as very few stuck around all 4 years. So, we needed another fix, only to have the same thing happen again and again. Now we had a nice run going on. Got 2 elite 11 QBs last year. got a couple WR in the transfer portal. had some guys come out of nowhere that look very promising. So much like the nicotine high. We hoped it would last forever. Now we are feeling depressed because a few things did not go our way.

So let me take you back a year. At this time last year:

1. we had no class QB.
2. Our OL recruits were not looking like they were trending our way.
3. Our only WRs were good but local "so of course we got them"
4. Raiola was the one we could have had but he was too good for us.

How did we end up?
1. 2 Elite QB recruits including arguably the best in the class. (Who about this time had just left OSU and committed to GA.)
2. Managed to hold on to a second top QB even though most thought he would run for the hills when Raiola Committed here.
3. A very solid OL class including a top recruit (Brix) out of Iowa who almost no one believed was coming here.
4. The best punter in the country.
5. 2 FL linebackers that are both so good they could compete this year.

Not to mention that the end of the recruiting "Cycle" last year was just the beginning for this group of coaches. Since the class was rated, we got a DL from Germany and a pretty darn good RB out of a prep school.

This group of coaches does not give up just because they were shot down. Do not be surprised if 2 or three of the guys who committed elsewhere the last few days end up here. These guys try to hit it out of the park every day. Because if you aimed to hit it beyond the stands. clearing the centerfield wall becomes easy.

Have faith and GBR.
We've missed on one OL, maybe two, everyone and their brother seems to want to get into July to commit.
If we got everyone we are in play with we would he top ten.
What we may have at the end is inside top twenty.

@Huskerthom I am with you on this one. Although I do admit that so far our class has been a bit disappointing, Rhule has already proven to be a better developer and, just based on stars, ends up doing well.
It’s all that and more.
1. We have a competent QB coach to develop the talent we’re bringing in.
2. We’re developing depth in key areas like OL. Guys like Knapp who were largely written off as ever contributing are suddenly being mentioned as being capable of quality minutes. Huge.
3. Loyalty to NU is being rebuilt… key in-state talent is starting to stick… It’s becoming cool to be a Husker again. Remember the comments from guys like the Bellevue West coach re: Frost? I haven’t read a single negative comment from a Nebraska HS about a member of this staff.
4. Merritt: We shouldn’t celebrate finishing second. However, Georgia, Texas, Oklahoma, USC, Penn State, Michigan, FSU, Tennessee, etc…. None of them finished second. We’re on our way to winning more of these battles.
5. Specific coaches are building regional and national reputations… Tony White produces a Top 15 defense despite a barrage of LB and safety injuries. Cooper… Knighton…. Even Bartels. Johnson was 4th string at this time LY, yet by year’s end was playing very well.
6. Stacking two Elite 11 qb’s with a third a year later… When’s the last time we’ve seen similar?

Glass 2/3 full. Get 2% better every day.
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