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Kent Pavelka GETS IT!

Red Don

Staff member
10 Year Member
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">So I'm leaving an event when a friend I'm with spots this plate on a pickup in the parking lot! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/nebrasketball?src=hash">#nebrasketball</a> <a href="http://t.co/HhxoLdmmeP">pic.twitter.com/HhxoLdmmeP</a></p>&mdash; Kent Pavelka (@KentPavelka) <a href="https://twitter.com/KentPavelka/status/609913567945576450">June 14, 2015</a></blockquote>
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......does a great job of 'painting a picture' of what's happening on the court; the 'GOT IT' is infectious. TV announcers pale by comparison.
I'd much rather listen to radio announcers than the TV, even if they're 15 sec or so ahead of the video (Hey, that way I'll know beforehand if he 'Got It' or not

Really like Matt Davison's commentary too ('Oh My Goodness; I just don't know What a foul is anymore'). They make a great duo!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">So I'm leaving an event when a friend I'm with spots this plate on a pickup in the parking lot! <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/nebrasketball?src=hash">#nebrasketball</a> <a href="http://t.co/HhxoLdmmeP">pic.twitter.com/HhxoLdmmeP</a></p>&mdash; Kent Pavelka (@KentPavelka) <a href="https://twitter.com/KentPavelka/status/609913567945576450">June 14, 2015</a></blockquote>
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......does a great job of 'painting a picture' of what's happening on the court; the 'GOT IT' is infectious. TV announcers pale by comparison.
I'd much rather listen to radio announcers than the TV, even if they're 15 sec or so ahead of the video (Hey, that way I'll know beforehand if he 'Got It' or not

Really like Matt Davison's commentary too ('Oh My Goodness; I just don't know What a foul is anymore'). They make a great duo!

For being woven into Nebraska history, Kent can't be beat. In "My Antonia", Willa Cather based the main character, Antonia Shimerda, on real-life friend Antonia Pavelka. Guess who is Annie Pavelka's grandson? That's right, it's Kent.

Which family appears in a Cather novel AND called a football national championship game on the radio? You guessed it.

For basketball, the family appearing in a Cather novel and winning a Big Ten championship in basketball is Elliot, and the school is Purdue unfortunately.

I'll go back to my books now. ;)


For being woven into Nebraska history, Kent can't be beat. In "My Antonia", Willa Cather based the main character, Antonia Shimerda, on real-life friend Antonia Pavelka. Guess who is Annie Pavelka's grandson? That's right, it's Kent.

Which family appears in a Cather novel AND called a football national championship game on the radio? You guessed it.

For basketball, the family appearing in a Cather novel and winning a Big Ten championship in basketball is Elliot, and the school is Purdue unfortunately.

I'll go back to my books now. ;)

Wow. That's amazing. Even more so there are two such families. Thanks for sharing.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Lu stole my <a href="https://twitter.com/CoachMiles">@CoachMiles</a> phone case. Need <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Nebrasketball?src=hash">#Nebrasketball</a> gear!! <a href="http://t.co/MN25M56rtf">pic.twitter.com/MN25M56rtf</a></p>&mdash; Kent Pavelka (@KentPavelka) <a href="https://twitter.com/KentPavelka/status/610811325246103554">June 16, 2015</a></blockquote>
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Cool Phone Case! :rolleyes:
Wow. That's amazing. Even more so there are two such families. Thanks for sharing.

Yeah, Edward C. Elliott was a classmate of Cather's circa 1900 at Nebraska. He went on to be President of Purdue: he hired Amelia Earhardt to the Engineering college. His son, Edward C. Elliott was the center for Purdue on back-to-back Big 10 championships. Their cousin, Edward C. Elliott (gets confusing) was at UNL in the thirties, and I got to talk to him several times when I was in school.

I would love it if we created an ECE trophy with Purdue.

There's even a story that Lt. Pershing's dress sword was stolen from the Pershing Rifles by a cadet who transferred to Purdue, and the leader of ROTC at Purdue carried it for years. I don't know many of the details, but I'm pretty sure it's somewhat true.

I want to believe @KentPavelka shouts "Got It!" when he grocery shops and crosses items off his list. #Huskers
— Gentle Ben (@52dankebe52) December 5, 2015
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Never liked the guy. Never will. I keep hearing the call from the 3 Watson made against miami and...while enthusiasm is great...it's RIDICULOUS. Sounds like someone rammed a cattle prod up his ass.

Yeah, Edward C. Elliott was a classmate of Cather's circa 1900 at Nebraska. He went on to be President of Purdue: he hired Amelia Earhardt to the Engineering college. His son, Edward C. Elliott was the center for Purdue on back-to-back Big 10 championships. Their cousin, Edward C. Elliott (gets confusing) was at UNL in the thirties, and I got to talk to him several times when I was in school.

I would love it if we created an ECE trophy with Purdue.

There's even a story that Lt. Pershing's dress sword was stolen from the Pershing Rifles by a cadet who transferred to Purdue, and the leader of ROTC at Purdue carried it for years. I don't know many of the details, but I'm pretty sure it's somewhat true.


You attended NU in the thirties?

Yeah, here's a picture of me with Amelia Earhart and Ed Elliott.



Dang, and I thought CBob and Merle were old. :eek:

:rolfl: Hell, I wasn't born until 1938!

You must treasure that photo, HuSkaBob. :)

Good for you! Yeah, my goodness! I will be 78 at the end of January.

Are you nearing 100? :wow: Sure am curious, HuSkaBob. :rockon:
:rolfl: Hell, I wasn't born until 1938!

You must treasure that photo, HuSkaBob. :)

Good for you! Yeah, my goodness! I will be 78 at the end of January.

Are you nearing 100? :wow: Sure am curious, HuSkaBob. :rockon:

I'm sorry Sir, I was joking. I certainly didn't play NCAA basketball, nor attend College in the 1930's. I wish I was there to meet Ms. Earhart, but my friend (who passed some time ago) was related to the gentleman in the photo. I was born before there was a man on the moon, but not that long before. ;)


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