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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Just left the stadium Iowa game thoughts.

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It was cold. It was really cold. We might have played in colder weather but its the coldest I have ever been at a game. There were a lot of Nebraska fans but not everyone was decked out in red. I think a lot of people grabbed whatever would keep them from freezing to death.

We were ready to play, but the wind was such a factor today that the direction you were going completely changed what we could do compared to Iowa. Its good to know we can grind out a win in those conditions. I was at Penn St and it was not as bad as today.

Iowa fans are more pessimistic about their team than any fans I have seen. The ones around me never felt they were going to win and were just waiting for the inevitable. If their coach makes it through the weekend I'll be surprised.

The fans were very nice to us. I don't know if it is because of mutual respect or fear of eating crow. The stadium is tough to get very close to unless you got big bucks and we had to walk a ways.

Rex is the man. I don't care what anyone says but we are a much better team with him in there. He brings a put the team on my back attitude into the huddle. There may not ever be another like him. Both sets of fans could feel it when he came into the game. Things were just going to be different.

I am excited to see how we do in the dome next week. I think we will play really fast for once not having to deal with that wind. I look for good things next week. GBR.
I would have to agree with your assessment as well. I had a couple of Iowa fans a few rows behind me complaining about their play calling. Heard a lot of grumblings.
Overall, had a lot of good comments from Hawk fans. Several commented on how they didn't realize how good Burkhead was until today. They couldn't believe how he moved the pile! Even though it was cold, I really enjoyed the experienced. Had several Iowa fans wish us luck in the Big 10 Championship game.

It was cold. Luckily, we were in the North endzone, shielded from the wind a bit, although it was swirling around in a weird way. I've been colder at a game. Been to a couple of Packers games in mid-December, temps around zero. I was amazed at how many people showed up today with a hoodie and ball cap. You gotta dress for weather like this. The coldest game I remember was one in Lincoln against Colorado. Not sure what year it was (in the 90s), but it was one of those days where the temp was close to freezing and it rained and was windy. Bone-chilling cold. Even if you were dressed properly, as some part of you got wet and then freezing cold.

thanks for the info? Where you at the KU - NU game in 2008?

I was at that game. Cold but not windy like today. The Colorado game with freezing rain was bad also, but the Iowa state game in Ames when it rained, snowed a little and even had a little sunshine during the game was horrible because of the wind.
It was cold. Luckily, we were in the North endzone, shielded from the wind a bit, although it was swirling around in a weird way.

North End Zone as well, where we were protected from the wind. I had six layers of various fleece items and a windbreaker; was feeling a bit like the Pillsbury Doughboy when I walked. 10 year old twins made it all the way through as well; dressing for the weather is the key.

Most of the Hawkeye fans in my family and circle of friends were ditching tickets or not planning on attending. I'd guess it was more than 25% Husker fans; maybe 1/3 or a little more even. The "Go Big Red" and "Husker Power" chants seemed louder to me than the Hawkeye chants...but, maybe that is because I was among a large group of Huskers low in the North end zone.
Was he also at Arrowhead for the 2006 B12 CCG? Coldest game I've been at.

Agreed, I was there also with 3 others sitting in the snow. But it was alot of fun. Had tickets to the Chiefs game the next day. Not interested in pro ball to much. Stayed at my brothers home in Overland park & watch it. I think it was raining then .

I was at that game. Cold but not windy like today. The Colorado game with freezing rain was bad also, but the Iowa state game in Ames when it rained, snowed a little and even had a little sunshine during the game was horrible because of the wind.

I was just wondering how it was compared to the '08 game as that is the coldest game I've been to.
Was he also at Arrowhead for the 2006 B12 CCG? Coldest game I've been at.

I was there too and it took a lot of anti-freeze to get through it. The snow under our feet turned to blocks of ice that we stood on the whole game. Throw in the bad coaching by Callahan and it was a miserable game.

I was nice and toasty for the Iowa game because my dads hospital room was over 80 degrees. I might have even lost a few pounds :)
When Iowa's down, their fans are REALLY down. To the point of not even wanting to talk about it unless you are at the game. But when they have a good team.. Watch out. Dr. Jeckel and Mr. Hyde complex.
Also, what temp was the game?? It was chilly at today's game in MPLS, but not as bad as I initially thought it was going to be.

Single digits with the wind chill I read somewhere. No idea what the "real" temp was but suspect it was 30ish.
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