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July 1st

UCLA is extremely lucky to be in the Big 10. But I think they're going to sink to the bottom and just use the revenue to bail out their mismanaged athletic department, without actually fielding very competitive teams (at least in football).
I wouldn't call it mismanaged as they've strived to maintain a great number of teams in their dept. As we know football and basketball are the only money makers. They support 25 teams, have the whatever man bandwagon Cali fan base. Surrounded by millions and can on get a half full on a good day stadium.
They're more in need of winning than we are, and quite frankly, I admire those settle for less teams in one way, they know their fanbase. Be in the big leagues, never do much in them. And do less than a UCLA does.
I chalk it up to those pac schools seeing the writing on the wall and the others that left late that went to the big twelve as settlers for less as well. Now every once in awhile a Zona team plays well, and Utah has had some very good coaches making them relevant, and that leaves the other two of the pac , second tier after the end money grab who went to the ACC.
All you have to do is see who's put the efforts in and who hasn't and they layer out accordingly.
Stanford, like Northwestern has money yet not much of a fan base, owning the bay area and rare sellouts, them and Cal. But Stanford is another school with a lot of teams that they maintain and lose money on. Just a larger pool of monies to not go in debt like the state school of LA.
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Pal July 1st also ends my self imposed posting ban. Now all my pals in here can rejoice once again! I have been busy the last several months with a grass roots campaign to name the NC trophy the Nick Saban trophy. Seems fitting that he and Lombardi share something all football coaches strive for.
Congratulations on your commitment to your self imposed posting ban. Many of us have failed in our attempts. If in the future you feel it’s necessary to over zealously demonstrate your drooling love affair for Nicky you might consider demonstrating a little more of your posting ban abilities. ;)
Congratulations on your commitment to your self imposed posting ban. Many of us have failed in our attempts. If in the future you feel it’s necessary to over zealously demonstrate your drooling love affair for Nicky you might consider demonstrating a little more of your posting ban abilities. ;)
Or at any time, or that matter.
BTW the Left Coast Four do not officially join the BIG until August 1st
I thought it was July 1st also but its not and the Other Pac teams join the Big12 on that same date


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