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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Iowa

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I agree with denisonred, I never take any game for granted and I hope Bo and Co don't either. (Think that may have been part of what bit KSU in the butt last night.) Every time in the past that I have suggested that we not overlook a bad team I get blasted for it, but I will say it again. That is why the games are played. Iowa will be motivated. My Hawkeye spouse told me to predict NE by 60 BUT also feels IA will try some different things against us because they have nothing to lose and every team wants to be spoiler.

I hope to see NE go into Iowa City and set the Hawks back down quickly. No piddling around. Get ahead by a lot so the back-ups can get MUCH needed playing time.
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Trap game? I don't think so....unless we totally implode....

Last game of the season??! At home for them? Sounds like a trap game for us. We better keep our sights on the game at hand and not any possibilities of more in the future.
one advantage we might have this year is it seems everyone but Minnesota tried something new against us this year. We should be ready. Still, like you, I respect all opponents

Their last win was at Michigan St, and it wasn't in the last 6 seconds. They also beat Minny 31-13. They still have some playmakers who are not injured.
And Michigan State (5-6) and Minnesota (6-5) are far, far from being offensive juggernauts...I'll be shocked if Iowa holds us under 30 points or scores moe than 20....and the Spartans are now under .500 on the season...need a win next week to go to a bowl....

Their last win was at Michigan St, and it wasn't in the last 6 seconds. They also beat Minny 31-13. They still have some playmakers who are not injured.
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Yeah I dont think its likely, but these things happen. I have to think the way the coaching staff has handled this season they will maintain focus on Iowa this week. But you never know with a short holiday week.


Yup and we would have to totally implode...this team is on a mission right now....just do not see that happening....

And Michigan State (5-6) and Minnesota (6-5) are far, far from being offensive juggernauts...I'll be shocked if Iowa holds us under 30 points or scores moe than 20....and the Spartans are now under .500 on the season...need a win next week to go to a bowl....

Fingers crossed we get a repeat of the Minney performance and get the 2nd stringers more time playing (especially at QB). Gods know they need it.
We will roll Iowa by 20+ points...they are awful....

Yeah I dont think its likely, but these things happen. I have to think the way the coaching staff has handled this season they will maintain focus on Iowa this week. But you never know with a short holiday week.

any game on the road is an adventure for the huskers. Would be nice to win this one so we dont have to sweat it out watching osu/mich

any game on the road is an adventure for the huskers. Would be nice to win this one so we dont have to sweat it out watching osu/mich

Very true and anyone who completely trusts this team hasn't been paying attention but I am going to predict that Kellogg gets some more snaps on Friday(and not because of injury).
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No correlation. The '92 team had just beaten 2 top 10 teams and Devaney called them 'one of the best Nebraska teams I've seen' the week before. They were emotionless and had read too much hype, expecting to just roll a terrible ISU team.

i don't think we suffer from any delusions of grandeur on this team.
That's the key. If this team stays humble and overlooks no team, they've got a very good chance to make it to Pasadena. They will have to implode to lose to Iowa, which is possible considering this season. Wisconsin though is going to be a tough match-up indeed. I like NU's chances if they play up to their abilities and eliminate the mistakes. If not.....................

It is their Bowl Game and the are trying hard to "hate" the Huskers. They will be up for the game, even if their fans don't show.
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