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I'd make every decision different if I knew the outcome. - S. Frost

Well, taken literally, his statement means that he's never made a correct decision based on outcome. But I understand what he intended to say and agree. Hindsight is always 20/20.

I don't think decisions cost us the game. Even randomly guessing A., B., C., D., or E All of the above, gets you a right answer 20% of the time. We would have turned correct decisions into mistakes. Go for it on 4th and inches - fumble the snap. Punt on 4th and inches - give up 99 yd drive. We can't win. This team is letting people beat them. They look for a way to lose. A couple weeks ago, I posted, just like in MR's first game where players watched the BYU Hail Mary completion, they are choosing to lose. It is a choice. It was there for the taking today and we chose not to. 0-6 is not coaching or talent, it is the mental state of our program right now.
Every game, there is usually a dozen plays every coach wishes they would have called differently. Even Nick Saban. Great teams pick their coaches up when tough calls are to be made, and we haven't done that. Conversely, great coaches pick their team up when the players just aren't making the plays with great adjustments/tweaks, and we haven't done that either. The result is 0-6. Can't believe we let this one slip away.
Every game, there is usually a dozen plays every coach wishes they would have called differently. Even Nick Saban. Great teams pick their coaches up when tough calls are to be made, and we haven't done that. Conversely, great coaches pick their team up when the players just aren't making the plays with great adjustments/tweaks, and we haven't done that either. The result is 0-6. Can't believe we let this one slip away.

So many maddening moments. They all add up to the "one play" we missed. Martinez throwing into double coverage in the endzone when we're ahead and had just gotten another first down pounding NW with Ozigbo. Missing a protection deep in our own end and getting blown up for a scoop/score. DBs right in position multiple times but not finding the ball and getting PI calls. Missing first downs by inches. Inability to defend a single pass when it mattered on the last drive of regulation. Thorson on the verge of getting sacked multiple times but either winning a 50/50 ball, getting away . . . or "getting away" with a grounding.

It's just inexplicable how many ways this team can swing and miss right now. The odds say it just shouldn't be happening. But it does.

Every team we play is supremely confident that they can beat us. We were NW's homecoming game... we aren't supremely confident in anything right now. No position group has played mistake-free. It's in their heads. Until they can get out of their own ways, this team will have to learn the hard way.
He should take a poll of message board posters before every playcall. Based on my participation with the HM message board yesterday, We would have ran the ball up the middle almost every play with Ozigbo, cut Pickering mid game, and called different defenses

Every game, there is usually a dozen plays every coach wishes they would have called differently. Even Nick Saban. Great teams pick their coaches up when tough calls are to be made, and we haven't done that. Conversely, great coaches pick their team up when the players just aren't making the plays with great adjustments/tweaks, and we haven't done that either. The result is 0-6. Can't believe we let this one slip away.

One thing to keep in mind, beyond the coaches, this is not a team that has shown the ability to fight back and win on any regular basis. Sometimes you see people expecting to lose. Body language, defiance in the face of adversity, I don’t recall seeing this in a positive light for years, and yesterday was no exception. I’m not saying anyone quit, but I also didn’t see anyone step up and spit in adversity’s eye, and say ‘not today’. I saw guys afraid to make a play, not angry looking for the opportunity to make one.
Martinez throwing into double coverage in the endzone when we're ahead and had just gotten another first down pounding NW with Ozigbo

For me, that play made me furious.
Didn’t mind the call, but that throw was maddening.
You CAN NOT leave that pass short and if you don’t have an open receiver


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