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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked I thought Wisconsin contained Braxton Miller pretty well

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He did have his best game against us, but not just at the results of only his efforts, our D made him look pretty good as well.

He had a great game against us, but not his best on the season. And as a GREAT PLAYER he tends to do that. The game was on the road and we couldn't get our feet back under us after letting him loose in the 2nd quarter.

He did have his best game against us, but not just at the results of only his efforts, our D made him look pretty good as well.

Didn't have his best game against Nebraska ...

Statistically, as in total yards, he had better games against Cal, Indiana, and Miami (OH) ... scored more TDs against Illinois and PSU. Had a similar to ours against Michigan State and PSU. Two good defenses.
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Didn't have his best game against Nebraska ...

Statistically, as in total yards, he had better games against Cal, Indiana, and Miami (OH) ... scored more TDs against Illinois and PSU. Had a similar to ours against Michigan State and PSU. Two good defenses.

Im not talking statistically, Im talking controlling the game, and being a deminsion that we had zero answers for. He hasnt taken over a game like he did against us, and yes Ive seen nearly all his games. He was on a different level that night.
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Im not talking statistically, Im talking controlling the game, and being a deminsion that we had zero answers for. He hasnt taken over a game like he did against us, and yes Ive seen nearly all his games. He was on a different level that night.

Please name one game where as the production of Ohio St wasn't centered around how well Miller was playing, out side of the times he left the field for a (supposed) injury. Miller is responsible for 65% of their offensive stats on the season. They depend on Miller to play well as much as we depend on Martinez to play well.

The Cal game was all him. You seen him everywhere. His name was called left and right for keeping a drive alive. Indiana, the same story. He got the ball into the endzone a few more times against Ped St and "lack of fighting" Illini. Miller not only controls the games, he's controlled the season for the Buckeyes. No one who paid attention to their season can honestly say other wise. He had a great game on the ground against a Husker defense that already has shown it struggles stopping the run, and has been shooting themselves in the foot with missing tackles. Two terrible problems to have against a player like Miller. But his production through the air was the same story as every QB that has faced us.

He's a great player who had a great game AT HOME against a team that was still moving personnel around and getting a feel for themselves. It was the perfect storm for them.

Please name one game where as the production of Ohio St wasn't centered around how well Miller was playing, out side of the times he left the field for a (supposed) injury. Miller is responsible for 65% of their offensive stats on the season. They depend on Miller to play well as much as we depend on Martinez to play well.

The Cal game was all him. You seen him everywhere. His name was called left and right for keeping a drive alive. Indiana, the same story. He got the ball into the endzone a few more times against Ped St and "lack of fighting" Illini. Miller not only controls the games, he's controlled the season for the Buckeyes. No one who paid attention to their season can honestly say other wise. He had a great game on the ground against a Husker defense that already has shown it struggles stopping the run, and has been shooting themselves in the foot with missing tackles. Two terrible problems to have against a player like Miller. But his production through the air was the same story as every QB that has faced us.

He's a great player who had a great game AT HOME against a team that was still moving personnel around and getting a feel for themselves. It was the perfect storm for them.

Youre missing my point, for the first quarter and a half, honestly tOSU didnt even deserve to be on the same field as us. Then he took over. I have yet to see him completey change the tides of a game like he did against us single handidly. If youre talking stats, yes hes had better games, but he (as well as some gifts from our offense) was a difference maker in that game. Im not talking stats, Im talking be a catalyst for his team. To me he hasnt had a game like he had against us that night, before or since.

Agree on the perfect storm, homecoming, first night game in a while, national TV etc.
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I'll have to argue both points.

1. I've watch ever OSU game this season. Miller did not have his BEST game against the Huskers. He had his best game on the ground against us as up to that point, rush defense and poor tackling was a major concern for the team. Miller has been a player in every contest and is a huge reason for the success they have had this season. Trying to make it seem like Nebraska "elevated" an overrated player is nonsense. We played him extremely well for 3/4 of the first half. After the first big play on the ground, the team got away from the original game plan. D. Robinson, a player who is just as dangerous, had his worst game in his career in Lincoln (only had 104 total yards of offense when he left the game, with his biggest play from scrimmage being an 8 yard gain.

2. B. Miller is not dinged up and has not been all season. Each time he was taken out of the game this season, the results were negative on (they found nothing and he practiced the Monday following) the injury. Not sure how he would be dinged up Mentally when his team is undefeated due to his production.

Wisconsin played him well, and I give them credit for that. They limited his most dangerous weapon (his legs) and forced him to be a manager of the offense. The scheme that NU came to Columbus with, but they were able to do it for the final 3 quarters while we were only able to do it the first quarter.

1. I did not suggest Miller has not been pretty much the OSU offense this season but what team has he played since that he had more of an impact than he did in our game. Not going to get into a semantics or statistical battle with you.

2. I was speculating but to me he doesn't seem to be quite as sharp especially passing as he was earlier in the year. And yes players do become mentally fatigued and it can influence their play.
I, for one, would love a rematch against tOSU. I think it would be a different game than the first one. I think our defense is much improved since that game.

Youre missing my point, for the first quarter and a half, honestly tOSU didnt even deserve to be on the same field as us. Then he took over. I have yet to see him completey change the tides of a game like he did against us single handidly. If youre talking stats, yes hes had better games, but he (as well as some gifts from our offense) was a difference maker in that game. Im not talking stats, Im talking be a catalyst for his team. To me he hasnt had a game like he had against us that night, before or since.

Agree on the perfect storm, homecoming, first night game in a while, national TV etc.

No, I see your point and since we are avoiding stats in the argument, the only thing different between his game with us and....oh let's say Cal, or Indiana is he had a bad quarter (and a half). We came out ready and "dropped the ball" after one big play. Cal and Indiana wasn't ready out the gate. I would say its his best performance if we want to look at the 'dramatic' view of how the game went for him (doing a complete 180 in his play), but as far as the actual performance, he's done the same thing to every team he's faced. Not sure why NU's performance has to be singled out like we had a problem against him that no other team did.
1. I did not suggest Miller has not been pretty much the OSU offense this season but what team has he played since that he had more of an impact than he did in our game. Not going to get into a semantics or statistical battle with you.

2. I was speculating but to me he doesn't seem to be quite as sharp especially passing as he was earlier in the year. And yes players do become mentally fatigued and it can influence their play.

1. It's not a 'battle' but if we aren't talking semantics or stats, then what did Miller do against our Huskers that he didn't do again Cal/Ind/PSU/Illini?

2. I'll give you that. Mental fatigue can happen on or off the field based on what's happening in his life, but how are we suppose to actually know this if nothing is document suggesting something is stressing him (death in the family, birth of a child, struggles in class, etc....). Physically he's been healthy all year and they have been protecting him because UM understands, if you loose Miller, you loose the season. You can easily argue that without Miller, they have 7 losses on their schedule, which includes the UAB game. Which means his play against us, is the norm, not a once in a career game that NU provided for him.
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