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Huskers/Hoosiers Baseball - Game #1 - May 8, 2021, 2 pm - @Rutgers/Bainton Field

pick off goes wild!!

another run!! He was picked off!!! ;)

3-1 Huskers!!

Hagge got them all riled up!!! :)
Steil is batting

hammered foul, 0-1
Hagge was off with the pitch

Hagge was picked off, but the throw was wild

runner scored, and Hagge goes to 3rd


Acker is safe at 1st after another throwing error

Hallmark is batting

throw to 1st is wild

Acker to 2nd with 2 down

The umpires are talking.

passed ball!!! :)

melt down by Indy?? :)
man on 2nd and 2 down
2 runs in
umps are talking. Looking
at the game balls? Whatever

back to the game


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