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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Hey Formo!

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I'm sorry I didn't see you at the Single Barrel. I was hoping you'd stop by and join our group which included 5 Gopher fans brought down by Huskerfan1200.

Haha.. Sorry guys/gals. We got back home in MPLS late last night, and when I got online finally, instead of posting my experiences in NE, I find out our #1 WR, stat-wise, has left the team throwing some serious accusations. So, after diving into that hot mess, it was already 1am, and I had to work this morning at 5am. Just got home 20 minutes ago from work (if you are counting, 5am-9pm). Here's what I posted at GopherHole a few minutes ago:

It was awesome.

I told everyone that asked me today at work that if they EVER get the chance, to GO to Lincoln! Great people, great atmosphere, great fun. Poopy game.. but hopefully we'll be more competitive in 2 years. I'm already making plans for our next trip down.

We stayed at my cousin's in Omaha, got into Lincoln at around 9:30am, hit up the bank for cash, then hung out at the HuskerMax tailgate until about 1pm. Got to meet Johnny Rodgers and chatted with him and also got some pictures with him. Then went up to the Haymarket, hit up a bar there for refreshments for my cousin and bathroom break for myself. Afterwards, my wife drug us to the Licorice store. Then it was off to Memorial. We were in pretty damn nice seats for being end-zone. We were in South Stadium, just above where the Gophs came out. Never once got any flak for wearing my maroon and gold outfit (I stood out in the sea of red). Had plenty of 'Welcome to Lincoln!!', and the old timer fans were by far the classiest of them all (not knocking the younguns, but the old timers know class).

After the game, we made our way to find a place to eat. We planned on hanging around Lincoln for at least 2 hours after the game just to avoid the traffic on I-80 to Omaha. We got a nice spot on the patio of Brix and Stone and had some very good food. Stuck around there and watched some more football. Made it back to Omaha at around 9ish.

I have absolutely nothing even remotely average/negative to say about my Lincoln experience.

I gave out a lot of hugs tonight! I walked up to Minny Fans and said " This is the only time that a Gopher can hug a Skunk!"

I'm sorry I missed you! We loved the corn.. My wife especially!!

Formo, it was very nice to meet you and your wife at the tail gate. I'll be up there next year and hope to see you again.

Thank you! Make sure you hunt me down prior to the game next year, will be glad to hang! We don't tailgate up here just because I go with some really old farts that can't last, but we may make an exception for some guests! (also, sorry, but I can't put a face to your name.. lol)

He probably loved the fourth quarter.

At that point, I was being quite the comic. Had a few Huskers laughing with my self-depreciating humor. I had ordered two slices of Valentino's pizza and told them I was gonna eat my woes away. Got some funny looks. When we finally scored, our own pep band fired up the Rouser. On instinct, I was on my feet singing it. I was half-way through it when I realized that I was the only person withing 50 feet belting it out, so I started acting really sarcastic about how great it was. lol

Yeh, unless he realizes, he didn't score on the 1st stringers! :)

Don't worry.. It wasn't our 1st stringers, either.. lol More like 3rd stringers (we played 3 QBs).

thank you Formo and mrs Formo for hanging out at the tailgate! glad I met you, hope you enjoyed your time. Best of luck:cheers:

Well done on the food, great sir!!! Can't wait for the next Gopher trip in Lincoln!


I'm sorry I didn't see you at the Single Barrel. I was hoping you'd stop by and join our group which included 5 Gopher fans brought down by Huskerfan1200.

Sorry Bucky, we just weren't able to swing away from the HM tailgate before the line to get in the Single Barrel was too crazy. Thought about getting in afterwards, but that was just as bad. Next time, my friend!

Formo, great chatting with you guys. Here's to Broadway Pizza!

MMMMMMM!!! We'll have to order some up this week in your honor!
Formo, It was good meeting you. Glad you enjoyed the day. The Gopher's are my 2nd favorite team. Good luck the rest of the way to the Gophs.
Had plenty of 'Welcome to Lincoln!!', and the old timer fans were by far the classiest of them all (not knocking the younguns, but the old timers know class).

If I ever need a pick-me-up sometime I'm going to wear an opposing team's shirt to a game and bask in the hospitality. :Biggrin:

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