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Help me raise money for National Fallen Firefighters foundation


Lifetime Member
If you have been on the board for awhile you will know that I am a firefighter for my day job. Over a 20 year career I have lost three fellow work mates to fire.

Captian Robin Broxterman, Firefighter Brian Schira


Firefighter Patrick Wolterman. (He worked at Colerain before going to Hamilton)



The US has a organization that dedicates themselves to support the family's of the fallen firefighters. It is the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF). This is the tenth year since Broxterman and Schira died and the NFFF still follows up with the family with any needs that they may need. Unfortunately since we have had so many fire deaths in the Cincinnati area, we as firefighters ban together to raise funds for the foundation. But we do it right, we hit golf balls and drink beer to raise the money! We have a golf outing that is one of the highest money producers for fundraisers for the NFFF in June(If you can travel to the golf outing in June the site is here). So we want to start another one!

So locally we had a Topgolf (Website) location open up and it is a really good place to hit golf balls and drink beer. Other fundraisers have done very well using them. So ours is March 4th this year, I know there may not be many people that read this board and site that can travel or are here local. But you can still donate to help us out.

What I would really like is to get enough funds to buy out 4 bays at Topgolf for this event so I can have 4 family's of our fallen come and have a good time. (Broxterman, Wolterman, Schira, Gordon, Armstrong all still live here locally and are involved with the NFFF) Gordon and Armstrong are Cincinnati fire fighters. Each bay can hold 6 golfers, we have set the price at $75 per golfer so a bay buy out is $450. Even if I can just get one or two bays I can mix the family's together, they all know each other and hang out in support of each other.

If you happen to know people or can come to this event please do. This Topgolf location can have 675 golfers we only need 204 to pay for the event and cut a nice check to the NFFF.

Even if you are not going to come buy the golf spots or just contact me, our site:


If you buy golf spots as a donation or just donate we will get you a tax donation letter. Below is our Facebook page if you could share it with friends that would help as well!


Wanted to bump this. Few more weeks before this event. Would like to get at least two more tickets for family members paid for. $75 each. If anyone is willing to donate please let me know. If you can't pay for the whole $75 I will take whatever and put it together with other donations.

