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Frost - Rejoice in Our Suffering


Just another unsuspecting mammal
5 Year Member
When I speak to those unfamiliar with Nebraska football about why it is my one fanaticism, I half-jokingly say that I grew up in the state and Nebraska football is the state religion.

I say half-jokingly because Nebraska football is in many ways a spiritual thing for me. A code or creed is woven into the traditions we love that one may apply to every day life. Personal responsibility, sacrifice, and respect for others are just a few I try to take with me into the world everyday.

As we stand here at the mid point of the 2018 season without a win to our names, it is far too easy to sink to negativity, to lose one's faith, to begin to doubt.

I watched the Northwestern game again to see if I could find in it home hope. I can tell you I saw many things that did just that. Here are a few:

o True freshman, Maurice Washington, acting like a senior leader by scoping up a fumbled snap and getting the first down.

o Adrian Martinez doing his best Vince Young impression all game long.

o The improbability that we will continue to have games where everything that had to go wrong for us to lose does.

And then, I watched the interview that ESPN Gameday did with Scott Frost prior to the game. He was talking about being 0-5 and he said this, "Right now, we're on hard times. We're going to look back at these times someday with a little bit of a smile. You need to rejoice in your suffering sometimes because it develops perseverance"

"Rejoice in your suffering?"

As I listened again, imagined being in the Church of the Big Red and all of the parishioners nodding their heads as the Reverend Frost delivered that sermon. The wisdom in his words stood out and I saw instantly the strength in him that has made him successful. It hit me again, this deep realization that Scott Frost is THE one and only man for this job. Anyone being negative and critical now is not yet spiritually ready for what is happening and should be reminded of this: Keep the faith for no other reason than THERE Is NO ONE ELSE BETTER.

I continue to have faith and believe Coach Frost's prediction that all of us will be strengthened by this time of misery and suffering.

Rejoice! Good times are ahead.

Go Big Red.
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Many will say that he costed the team at least the NW game. Many will be quick to say that the coaching staff needs to improve. I agree but also realize that we make decisions based off past results. I think we are at a point where we are playing unconventional based off the past results. I think once games end in wins the coaching staff will get back to their framework and what they are familiar with.
This first season for HCSF is a "Trial by Fire" in so many ways! What could go wrong has gone wrong. Much is self induced but many other things have simply been the luck of draw imo.

We can take some solice that our HC is a Nebraskan through and through. If he wasn't he wouldn't have taken the job and jumped to a program like Florida. Money is always a factor but it's not the primary reason why he came home imo.

When we start stringing wins together (we will) it will be all that much sweeter.....



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