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Four Captains Announced At Boneyard Bash

Agree and congrats to him. Also may give us an insight to lack of leadership this team before Frost took over.
Agree 100%! Frost mentioned that he couldn't even start up the Unity Council until the team actually has real LEADERS! Now that's pretty sad and speaks to how far down the progam had sunk imo. Since the players decide on their captains I'm sure they are true leaders on this team........
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Agree 100%! Frost mentioned that he couldn't even start up the Unity Council until the team actually has real LEADERS! Now that's pretty sad and speaks to how far down the progam had sunk imo. Since the players decide on their captains I'm sure they are true leaders on this team........
Hard to have strong player leadership with an absence of coaching leadership.
Hard to turn a sailboat around when you keep turning with the wind instead of against the wind. We are finally have a team that understands how to right the sailboat. Prepare to come about!


I thought the boats were all burned several years ago
We upgraded.

Sorry if this was shared earlier today, but it is an excellent read and goes to some of the discussion in this thread...when and how the culture started to change and the role the four 2018 captains had in that transformation.

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