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Fall Camp 2022 Practice Thread: 15 Practices: Sunday 13 August Scrimmage (Last Day Of Fall Camp)

Get the lead, keep the ball, keep the lead, run the clock. Almost certain we have seen this at Nebraska wanna say about 25 years ago? Pretty demoralizing for the other team five minutes into the fourth quarter.
In all his years, how many late 4th quarter comebacks did TO have?
Not many. When you have the lead, hard to make a comeback

In all his years, how many late 4th quarter comebacks did TO have?
Not many. When you have the lead, hard to make a comeback
That would be sooo nice to get back to where the second half of Nebraska football is again enjoyable. To your point; exactly. At the start of the fourth quarter during that era 75% or at times 100%; the opposing team knew they were already beat.

Scott Frost after practice #2

On the quarterbacks: "We're a long way from being done, but I like what I see. Everybody's healthy, learning, making a few mistakes here and there that we can clean up, but the effort's good and we're making some plays."

On learning new installs: "They changed the rules, we could actually work with the players a little bit in the offseason, and that's made a difference. I think there's a lot more familiarity, even with the new guys."

On summer conditioning: "They're in good shape. ... We still have some conditioning to do, but I'm really impressed with the effort."

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