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Covid-19 Hits Illinois Football

But the Dodgers were owed since they couldn't beat the Astros a couple of years back...

GO 'STROS!!! :Biggrin:


Only brings into focus even more how this could affect a future with no flexibility and a refusal to even try to adapt.

Lawrence 10 days
Mertz 21 days

ACC, Big 12, and SEC scramble, are flexible, adapt, try to play if at all reasonably possible.
BiG just quotes confusing protocols with an all encompassing “escape clause”

Clemson has flexibility
BiG = zero flexibility

And when a team comes up with a method and an ability to provide even a little bit of flexibility, they are immediately stomped on by the conference...and major talking heads of the media

Maybe it’s just 2020. I will be so glad to kiss this year good bye!

I think the thing I was most disappointed in was that Astro team was a super fun team to watch and tremendously talented. And just looked like they had so much fun playing the game. They honestly did not need that additional advantage. That team would have succeeded without it. Broke my heart.....

Time heals all....

What is surprising is that they were almost as good this year without Morton, Verlander and Cole.

Watch out for the Yanks next year with German and Servino back.
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Watch out for the Yanks next year with German and Servino back.

Off track a bit but the Yankees scare me.

They are young, with tons of money, and a carefully laid out farm system that is built for the continuous future.

AL East is always a bloodbath....Boston, and then always an unscheduled threat from either the Rays, Blue Jays and even Baltimore who was very solid for a number of years until the last two. I think it’s continuously the toughest division in baseball.
Off track a bit but the Yankees scare me.

They are young, with tons of money, and a carefully laid out farm system that is built for the continuous future.

AL East is always a bloodbath....Boston, and then always an unscheduled threat from either the Rays, Blue Jays and even Baltimore who was very solid for a number of years until the last two. I think it’s continuously the toughest division in baseball.
<sarcasm on> Hey guys let's stay on track. We aren't here to talk about baseball, let's get back to complaining about the B1G. <sarcasm off>

Off track a bit but the Yankees scare me.

They are young, with tons of money, and a carefully laid out farm system that is built for the continuous future.

AL East is always a bloodbath....Boston, and then always an unscheduled threat from either the Rays, Blue Jays and even Baltimore who was very solid for a number of years until the last two. I think it’s continuously the toughest division in baseball.

Agreed. Yanks fan since '53. Have seen the good, bad and ugly.
That’s very generous......
Yes.....I have never met an eighth grader yet that did not communicate. Sometimes incoherently, full of testosterone, hormones or ignorance. But at least they communicate....

with Warren it is most often......silence...

Well, maybe not total silence, because there’s usually crickets chirping....
I think the thing I was most disappointed in was that Astro team was a super fun team to watch and tremendously talented. And just looked like they had so much fun playing the game. They honestly did not need that additional advantage. That team would have succeeded without it. Broke my heart.....

Time heals all....

Well, they wouldn't have beaten the Dodgers in the World Series, considering they barely did it in 7 games. So they would've succeeded to a certain extent, but they wouldn't and shouldn't be world champions. Now they'll forever be known as the Houston Asterisks.
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If you ain't cheating, you ain't trying... I mean there is no sign stealing in baseball?

I guess if it got to the sophistication that was claimed, I get why that is wrong.

But there were other teams in our league that were likewise cheating... It wasn't invented in Houston... (that is what I understand - not caring to follow to the nth degree)

Now you sound like a Patriots fan.

The Asterisks' cheating went beyond banging trash cans (which was bad enough). Altuve was clearly wired when he was insisting to keep his shirt on, then going into the locker room to change before celebrating with his teammates, which is unheard of. They should be stripped of the 2017 title.
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Considering kickoff for Illinois - Purdue is within an hour, it's obvious that game is going to happen. But it'd be difficult for Purdue not to be concerned.

Anyhow, Illinois minus their starting QB is toast.
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Illini more like the Covid-nineteens... the fighting XIX

Badgers are like walking pandemic STDs - jump around
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