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Could use some good thoughts(update 6/28)

Visited oncologist today says prelim biopsy shows this to be very slow growing, slow speading cancer. We feel ike weve dodged a bullet. There will still be surgery, but there pretty sure that will cure everything, god willing.

On one knee i cannot thank you all for your prayers and concern, I lay down tonight feeling blessed rather than cursed.

Visited oncologist today says prelim biopsy shows this to be very slow growing, slow speading cancer. We feel ike weve dodged a bullet. There will still be surgery, but there pretty sure that will cure everything, god willing.

On one knee i cannot thank you all for your prayers and concern, I lay down tonight feeling blessed rather than cursed.

Let it be so. Prayers to you and yours until all are firmly on that rock.

Visited oncologist today says prelim biopsy shows this to be very slow growing, slow speading cancer. We feel ike weve dodged a bullet. There will still be surgery, but there pretty sure that will cure everything, god willing.

On one knee i cannot thank you all for your prayers and concern, I lay down tonight feeling blessed rather than cursed.

Praise God for that! Praying that you all continue to grow stronger as the healing continues.
My wife had a belt around her 24/7 with slow drips of whatever they used moving into her at all times for months and months. She resisted changing her lifestyle for most of this time, but very quickly I told her trimming hedges was a bridge too far. Lost lots of hair (she refused to get wigs), and she found it hard to maintain an appetite, but eliminating the cancer was worth all the effort. Stayed free for 10 years before dying at 78 from other causes.

Cancer can be defeated.

My wife Amanda, 59, (aka Mrs Corn), was notified she has
Uterine Cancer 3 days ago. Stage is undetermined, but will be
learned during an upcoming surgery.

Any good luck, good thoughts, and good prayers are appreciated.
Prayers coming your way.
My wife Amanda, 59, (aka Mrs Corn), was notified she has
Uterine Cancer 3 days ago. Stage is undetermined, but will be
learned during an upcoming surgery.

Any good luck, good thoughts, and good prayers are appreciated.
prayers coming your way.God bless.


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