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Coach Joseph Officially N

Great hire. He checks every box - P5 experience, great recruiter, knows a thing or two about the QB run game. Nebraska alumnus status is gravy.

You ink MJ regardless of what the plan is for OC. If the search is ongoing, having Mickey on board makes the job easier to take not harder.
Yep, came in to say all of this.

Only question would be wasn't MJ the recruiting coordinator for LSU also?

Great hire. He checks every box - P5 experience, great recruiter, knows a thing or two about the QB run game. Nebraska alumnus status is gravy.

You ink MJ regardless of what the plan is for OC. If the search is ongoing, having Mickey on board makes the job easier to take not harder.
MJ is the rug that ties the room together

I don't know how coaching staffs are typically structured, but it seems to me that a coordinator rather than a position coach would be named as associate head coach.
"No good coach is coming here!!"

Sure got quiet from that crowd quickly.
Agreed. We're still in the Big Ten with a big stadium, nice facilities, big fan base, and relatively easy division. Lots of upside. Not every coach can be on staff at the top five programs.

Is Mickey's wife from Nebraska or something? I saw her social media post saying something about the "journey home."

I mean it's cool if they have that kind of affection for Nebraska despite the only tie being MJ's playing days. Just curious if there is a deeper connection of which I'm not aware.


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