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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Bo doing a little flirting?

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Says who? Urban Meyer? First of all, ole Urb isn't exactly the most credible cat in the world his last year at Fla was a little wierd. Second, his statement that he wouldn't coach at a place that fired a 9 win coach is meaningless cuz he wouldn't have coached here had Solich hit the lottery and moved to Fiji.

The hiring of Pelini by a greatly respected guy like TO maybe goes to show you that under NO circumstances is the pool of potential applicants all that deep. If it was such a great job then surely NU could have done better than a DC who already had a connection to the program.

You've actually got some good points in there. (Quoting quickly before you edit them out.)

Thanks guys, for reminding me why we put this in the rules.

(3) Locking Threads: When a thread has gotten out of hand, and warnings or requests by moderators have been disregarded by one or more posters, administrators or moderators will sometimes close a thread in order to prevent imminent or additional rule violations. When this occurs, please do not start a new thread asking “Why was that thread locked?” or otherwise continuing the discussion in that thread. If you have a question about why a thread was locked, please raise that question via PM to an administrator or moderator.

Of particular note to Husker fans, please be advised that the Solich/Callahan debates have been fully exhausted. Although such discussions are not prohibited, they are also not encouraged because of the history of such discussions leading to personal attacks, sniping, and generally uncivil behavior. Accordingly, Solich/Callahan threads will be kept on a particularly short leash, especially during the football season.

It's been at least three years since I've seen someone make a new argument in one of these threads.
Of course you can separate the two. ALl you have to do is...DO IT.

1. Was firing solich right or wrong? The "who you hire" is irrelevant to the question. Either he should have had more time or he shouldn't.

2. Once Solich was fired was hiring callahan right or wrong? Again, WHY the opening existed in the first place becomes rather irrelevant. It was done and now you need a coach. Was the coach hired the right guy or not?

It's quite possible to believe that firing solich was the RIGHT thing and look back and say "but what happened after that was an abortion". the other three combinations of answers are also quite possible.

This whole "you're a simpleton" garbage if you don't feel like Solich was a wonderful coach is just...well...garbage. And saying anyone who doesn't think Solich was the next coming of Tom Osborne is, by default, a callahan lover is also crap.

Who you hire is very much dictated by who you fired and how you fired him.

Why do you think it took pedey so long to find a "coach" and why was that hire so desperate?

These things don't happen in a vacuum. Maybe a major program with the right resources (and a coach from the "family") could get away with it, but how many top flight coaches would jump at going to Wisconsin or Oregon or Stanford or _______ if their coaches were fired after posting seasons like FS did? Not many. Because those guys would have better options available.

And anyone who doesn't realize that Solich is a wonderful coach, especially in light of what he's accomplished at OU so far, is a simpleton... or just plain stupid. No objective football mind in the world thinks that FS is anything less than an outstanding coach.

No one thinks that FS was the next TO. Newsflash: There will be no "next TO." The guy, by the numbers alone is one of the top 3 to 5 most successful coaches in the entire history of the game; combine that with the circumstances of coaching at UNL, and I think he moves to #1. We aren't going to find another guy like TO.
Which one of those three would have been a bad hire after Frank was let go. Which one of those three was Frank a better coach than?

Snyder has a better track record, but also had his pitiful late years.

The Franks are about equal, I'd say.

Solich is >>>>>>> than DeBerry.

Thanks guys, for reminding me why we put this in the rules.

It's been at least three years since I've seen someone make a new argument in one of these threads.

lucky for us this encompasses more than a "Solich/Callahan" debate...this encompasses Nebraska's attractiveness to future coaches and how past experiences may or may not shape these applicants desire to coach at Nebraska...thanks for the reminder, though:thumbsup:
Allow me to summarize the criticism of Bo:
1. He hasn't won a "big" game yet. TRUE
2. He loses to underdogs once a year on average. TRUE
3. He's "mean" and too "irrational" on the sideline. He's gotten a lot better
4. He's offish, obstinate and otherwise stubborn with the press. With Everyone
5. Sure, he wins 9 or 10 games a season, but look at 1 and 2 again. YEP

My problem is, in a year or two, the dolts leveling these criticisms will be calling for the firing if 1 and 2 are still considered an issue. They've admitted that both explicitly and implicitly. And that's just stupid. Just blanking stupid. If those people have their way, they'll throw us back another decade.

I'll let alone the fact that #3 and #4 are completely unfair in light of his actions this season. But no one cuts the guy an inch of slack.... yet some whine that he doesn't show enough loyalty.

Well if the dolts are paying attention, they'll see that next year will be a step back from this year and 2013 is looking like a good shot at a title if we stay healthy..
Who you hire is very much dictated by who you fired and how you fired him.

Why do you think it took pedey so long to find a "coach" and why was that hire so desperate?

These things don't happen in a vacuum. Maybe a major program with the right resources (and a coach from the "family") could get away with it, but how many top flight coaches would jump at going to Wisconsin or Oregon or Stanford or _______ if their coaches were fired after posting seasons like FS did? Not many. Because those guys would have better options available.

And anyone who doesn't realize that Solich is a wonderful coach, especially in light of what he's accomplished at OU so far, is a simpleton... or just plain stupid. No objective football mind in the world thinks that FS is anything less than an outstanding coach.

No one thinks that FS was the next TO. Newsflash: There will be no "next TO." The guy, by the numbers alone is one of the top 3 to 5 most successful coaches in the entire history of the game; combine that with the circumstances of coaching at UNL, and I think he moves to #1. We aren't going to find another guy like TO.

At Ohio
so following that logic.....it's Tom's fault for appointing Frank to replace him. If Frank's not coach, he can't get fired, Callahan can get hired, program can't implode...

TO's mistake was probably that he didn't speak against hiring Pedey... or that he failed make the cutthroat political move he could have if he'd had BB moved on and taken his place in '98.

At NU, the football coach is 100000x times more important than the AD, and rightly so, but two alternative errors at the AD level were singularly more impactful than anything the football coaches have done in the last 20 years.

Well if the dolts are paying attention, they'll see that next year will be a step back from this year and 2013 is looking like a good shot at a title if we stay healthy..

1. He has won big games, but not titles.

4. Have you spoken to the people around him? How about Jack's father? Bo Pelini presented by the NE media is nothing like the real Bo Pelini that people around him describe.

So let me ask you point blank: If he fails to win a championship in the next two years, do you think he should be replaced?

And at NU.

You've played. I'm surprised how little you value the importance of assistants. There's no doubt that by '02, a few were retired on active duty and a couple of others weren't getting it done. Frank did what great HC's do: he made changes and hired some game changing assistants. That staff in '03 was pretty awesome and perfect for Nebraska.

Now that he's in Ohio, he's done the same thing again.

Frank is a great coach. The handful of BCS programs with openings in '05 are kicking themselves for not hiring him.

Of course it's not surprising he's a great coach.... he was tutored by arguably the best ever.
1. He has won big games, but not titles.

4. Have you spoken to the people around him? How about Jack's father? Bo Pelini presented by the NE media is nothing like the real Bo Pelini that people around him describe.

So let me ask you point blank: If he fails to win a championship in the next two years, do you think he should be replaced?



need to have a link to the list so that we know it exists


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