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Any Birders On Here?

I'm an Orioles fan. Getting excited for the season for the first time in decades.

In SE Minnesota where I live the coolest bird I've seen is the Pilliated Woodpecker. Beautiful woodpecker the size of a crow with a call that sounds tropical.

Many other birds too. I was mowing my lawn one day a few years ago when a redtail hawk just fell out of the sky into my yard right in front of me. Must have been flying along and had a heart attack or something. Surreal.

In the Spring the Pelicans fly through. One day I drove by some MISSISSIPPI RIVER back water and the water was filled with at least a thousand of them. Shore to shore white. As I watched one of them dove down and returned to the surface with a northern pile at least 3 feet long. And then...the fight was on. The other pelicans wanted what that industrious bird had worked for and tried to take it. Like politicians.
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I heard the bald eagle a couple days in a row from the little lake side, never saw him though. He often sits on the big red pine overlooking the big lake maybe 50 from my door.
He's gotten used to me and stays if I don't make too much commotion.
Just came back in from outside. Heard the eagle calling away from the big red pine. As I turned back towards the pine, a baby mostly black and still mottled flew off and circled on the lake as a parent remained in the pine.
There's no nest in that pine, but it is used often by the adults for fishing and a high resting view.
Also saw two Trumpeters on the little lake which is partially open and is also perfect for them for feeding, as its shallow on that end.

Cant wait to have it get warmer and I'll e biking to some great spots

