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4 * Star WR Decoldest Crawford Has Committed To Nebraska (Flip From LSU)

Think how much this helps O-line development as well as the ability to get talented WR on the field sooner not later.....

Yeah, I know but Koolaide tastes great cold, and its cold in Minnesota right now....:)
4 right now.
I believe the energy has changed, the critical thinking has improved and will show on the field in the players.
I think the new staff editions will bring this out, add in guys like Crawford, I think were atop the hump and going forwards.

That's a good question. All I know is Mickey Joseph really liked him and that's good enough for me

Back to your question we will have to wait and see

Word is they are going phase out the Duck R so there is that
Hate show my ignorance, but what is "Duck R"?

That's a good question. All I know is Mickey Joseph really liked him and that's good enough for me

Back to your question we will have to wait and see

Word is they are going phase out the Duck R so there is that
So we are phasing in the Duck R Not. Sorry. Couldn't help myself!!
I was referring to WRs. And IMO they force fed Wandale a bit too much to the detriment of other receivers.
Which to me speaks of talent vs scheme.
With WR, talent won out and likely slowed scheme dev.
Also,wrs like to get their touches.

I think all thats changed now, likely more than scheme has.

Deck the halls with Decoldest Crawford! Holy cow, what a Christmas present! That guy is wired for sound! Direct DC current! Have you seen the tape? Half the time it looks like there's nothing there, and then he sees an angle, makes a cut and then the field is just littered with jockstraps.... Wow! Welcome to Nebraska, D.C.!

Mickey Joseph, it is so good to have you back in Big Red Country!


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