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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked EA Sports Cancels NCAA Football Video Game Series

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I've been playing the series since 05...as mentioned earlier the quality has really suffered recently. My favorite was 07, and that was on a previous generation of consoles!

Really, NCAA has been the red-headed stepchild to Madden. EA never did make it to the same standard as the NHL or FIFA games, so honestly it won't be missed in terms of a quality gaming experience. Yes, it stinks that we won't get to live vicariously through our digital Tommy Armstrong next year, and all of us college football fans who are also gamers will definitely miss it. Maybe the next time around whoever picks up the licensing after players start to get paid will hold themselves to a much higher standard in their product. Here's hoping...

Since the portion of the lawsuit against EA has now settled, I imagine the suit against the NCAA will gain momentum. I wonder if now the doors are open to sue individual universities who have gained monetarily through merchandising of posters, jerseys, etc linked to former and current players.
There is a reason that this lawsuit was brought up by former collegiate players that were all major pro prospects that never panned out... I think everyone can figure out why... what a cry baby culture we live in...

One thing that will continue however is several of the internet based companies that would go through and alter rosters each year are going to figure out a way to alter teams from year to year using the last NCAA 14 game... so there will be a game next year... just it will be this years game with next years players created by scrubbing the previous roster... Those guys that entered all the real names are not going to get richer than they were because they will essentially be writing new rosters each year to make the game up to date... all the functionality will still be there just the same 2014 year and game dates...

Filing a lawsuit isn't being a crybaby or crybaby culture. It is how disputes are settled in our society.

Would you rather have pistols at dawn?

Property rights in one's image has been a cutting edge, if there is such a thing in law, area of property law for the last decade or so. Frankly, I don't think anyone even considered it to be a theory of recover in the early 1990's. In any event, statutes of limitation prevent those earlier players from being a part of the law suit.
Filing a lawsuit isn't being a crybaby or crybaby culture. It is how disputes are settled in our society.

You need to look at the root of the suit.... These guys are suing because they exhausted their money making options by not realizing the dreams they thought they had handed to them... each of the three... Keller, O'bannon and Hart all were projected strong pro prospects during their collegiate careers... when that did not work out they wanted to find a way to still get rich....

None of them had an issue with this in college... and if you know anything about being in a college football program... those video games are played in every dorm room suite... they knew their likenesses were in the games and the probably even relished in it..... the money they were not receiving was not even an afterthought until they did not make it big time... I CAN PROMISE YOU THAT IS THE TRUTH...
You need to look at the root of the suit.... These guys are suing because they exhausted their money making options by not realizing the dreams they thought they had handed to them... each of the three... Keller, O'bannon and Hart all were projected strong pro prospects during their collegiate careers... when that did not work out they wanted to find a way to still get rich....

None of them had an issue with this in college... and if you know anything about being in a college football program... those video games are played in every dorm room suite... they knew their likenesses were in the games and the probably even relished in it..... the money they were not receiving was not even an afterthought until they did not make it big time... I CAN PROMISE YOU THAT IS THE TRUTH...

You need to look at the root of the suit.... These guys are suing because they exhausted their money making options by not realizing the dreams they thought they had handed to them... each of the three... Keller, O'bannon and Hart all were projected strong pro prospects during their collegiate careers... when that did not work out they wanted to find a way to still get rich....

None of them had an issue with this in college... and if you know anything about being in a college football program... those video games are played in every dorm room suite... they knew their likenesses were in the games and the probably even relished in it..... the money they were not receiving was not even an afterthought until they did not make it big time... I CAN PROMISE YOU THAT IS THE TRUTH...

You're missing my point. They think EA/NCAA owes them money. EA/NCAA disagree. Where is the disagreement resolved? The third branch of government.

If the suit had no merit, it would have been bounced on a preliminary procedural motion months ago.

You're missing my point. They think EA/NCAA owes them money. EA/NCAA disagree. Where is the disagreement resolved? The third branch of government.

If the suit had no merit, it would have been bounced on a preliminary procedural motion months ago.

That's the question, why do they owe them money? Because they were depicted in a video game? Why did it take 20 years for this lawsuit to happen? This wasn't the first game in the series to depict players, but in 2012, it became too much for a group of players pretty far removed from college?
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You're missing my point. They think EA/NCAA owes them money. EA/NCAA disagree. Where is the disagreement resolved? The third branch of government.

If the suit had no merit, it would have been bounced on a preliminary procedural motion months ago.

I am not questioning the suit's merit in regards to image rights... I am questioning the motive from these particular players... Just like I question the motive in every frivolous lawsuit brought before the courts..

They had no issues when they thought they would have money from professional teams... only after those dreams were not realized did they get all up in arms about their likeness...
If I were ever fortunate enough to play collegiate football, I would be stoked to have my likeness used in a video game.

Sam Keller is an untalented loser.
That's the question, why do they owe them money? Because they were depicted in a video game? Why did it take 20 years for this lawsuit to happen? This wasn't the first game in the series to depict players, but in 2012, it became too much for a group of players pretty far removed from college?

There may very well be a Laches argument; I don't know the specifics of the case. Like I said previously, this is a developing theory of recovery that has only really taken off in the last decade or so.

You're right about the question of why is money owed. The questions are: Do the players have a property right in their image? If so, are they entitled to be compensated for the use of their image? If they are entitled to be compensated, what is the compensation?

I am not questioning the suit's merit in regards to image rights... I am questioning the motive from these particular players... Just like I question the motive in every frivolous lawsuit brought before the courts..

They had no issues when they thought they would have money from professional teams... only after those dreams were not realized did they get all up in arms about their likeness...

I see. They might have greedy motives. The defense may very well attack them as a basis for their suit; I would imagine the plaintiffs would work hard to make sure that evidence is not let in, though.
You need to look at the root of the suit.... These guys are suing because they exhausted their money making options by not realizing the dreams they thought they had handed to them... each of the three... Keller, O'bannon and Hart all were projected strong pro prospects during their collegiate careers... when that did not work out they wanted to find a way to still get rich....

None of them had an issue with this in college... and if you know anything about being in a college football program... those video games are played in every dorm room suite... they knew their likenesses were in the games and the probably even relished in it..... the money they were not receiving was not even an afterthought until they did not make it big time... I CAN PROMISE YOU THAT IS THE TRUTH...

In college, they were being compensated by hot college chicks...when their face is no longer on the game, they had to look for different compensation.

In college, they were being compensated by hot college chicks...when their face is no longer on the game, they had to look for different compensation.

Who do you think we are? Okie State?

Orange Pride.jpg
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