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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Tired of the Press

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I thought that answer was every bit as disturbing, if not more disturbing, than the question itself. As a QB you should always assume that someone is coming, especially when you're already severely lacking in the pocket awareness department.

Seriously??? You are disturbed because TM said he fumbled as a result of being blindsided? It is nothing short of stupid to suggest that a QB should assume someone is coming and thus concentrate on that defender instead of completing the pass. QBs are taught to trust the tackle on the blindside. You are being totally disingenuous to suggest TM is "severely lacking in the pocket awareness department" because his blindside tackle let him down.
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Seriously??? You are disturbed because TM said he fumbled as a result of being blindsided? It is nothing short of stupid to suggest that a QB should assume someone is coming and thus concentrate on that defender instead of completing the pass. QBs are taught to trust the tackle on the blindside. You are being totally disingenuous to suggest TM is "severely lacking in the pocket awareness department" because his blindside tackle let him down.

Nevertheless, he is lacking in pocket awareness whether or not for the bolded reason. He's better this year, but not much.
Seriously??? You are disturbed because TM said he fumbled as a result of being blindsided? It is nothing short of stupid to suggest that a QB should assume someone is coming and thus concentrate on that defender instead of completing the pass. QBs are taught to trust the tackle on the blindside. You are being totally disingenuous to suggest TM is "severely lacking in the pocket awareness department" because his blindside tackle let him down.

I cant disagree with the comment about his poor pocket awarenes, but I do agree in saying the QB should have known that guy was going to blindside him is pretty poor.

His pocket awareness is sub-par, but that particular play isnt his fault.
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The ONLY writer ripping players is DIRK the D***. Rip Bo and any other coaches but I believe you cross the line when you write about college kids.
The ONLY writer ripping players is DIRK the D***. Rip Bo and any other coaches but I believe you cross the line when you write about college kids.

Im guessing DC got bullied alot by football players. And now hes using his powers for payback. Just seems he flat out doesnt like football players.
Seriously??? You are disturbed because TM said he fumbled as a result of being blindsided? It is nothing short of stupid to suggest that a QB should assume someone is coming and thus concentrate on that defender instead of completing the pass. QBs are taught to trust the tackle on the blindside. You are being totally disingenuous to suggest TM is "severely lacking in the pocket awareness department" because his blindside tackle let him down.

TM is severely lacking in the pocket awareness department and is stupid if he trusts the tackle on his blindside. After all, Barney Cotton is the O-Line coach.

P.S. I think it's nothing short of stupid for fat people to go grocery shopping in workout clothes and buy nothing but diet sodas and other 'diet' junk food, but what are you going to do, right?
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IMO it was a good play by the CB. It was underthrown slightly, but didnt need an NFL caliber throw as one article said. Literally an inch farther ahead and thats a completion to Enunwa.

Honestly if I had a dollar for every time I hear a CB say they are going to pick one, or that they know what route to jump etc. Its no different than the CB saying "Im going to pick the slant, PLEASE run the slant." The receiver runs a slant-go, the CB jumps the slant and the receiver cuts and is wide open. If a DB is waiting and anticipating routes, thats when they get burned. It was indeed a great play by that corner, and by calling it during the week it looks even better. If he mouths off like that, and doesnt get a pick and gets burned he looks like a fool, it worked out in his favor this time.

On the other hand, TM needs to (even if he doesnt believe its the case) take ownership for them. Its one thing for a coach to snub the media, its another for a player. Ive been very honest in my feelings about the media and TM, but theres a give and a take. I think he could have showed some maturity and at least said "Ya, unfortunately your going to make plays, and also give some up." or something as blanket as that. But he instead just gives a "meh, not my fault" type answer. Hes still having and could continue to have a decent season, but just take the role of leader and team-mate on this one, it just looks a heck of a lot better.

The first pick was a great play by the CB. Doesn't matter if he knew it was coming or not. The CB still has to execute to make that play. The pass wasn't underthrown, just off target by about a foot. If the ball goes outside shoulder, the receiver makes the catch and the CB gets burned as he's not in position to make the tackle. I also agree on the third pick. He threw a deep ball down the middle where there was help over the top. He was trying to make something happen, as it was at a point in the game where we needed something to happen. Normally, he probably doesn't throw that pass once he see the coverage develop on the route.

He's not good with the press, but I really don't care if he is or not. It has no bearing in how he perfoms on gameday. Athletes need to have confidence to perform at a high level. They can't be stuck in the past, constantly worrying about mistakes they made the week before. If they are, it is going to hamper their performance going forward. Learn from the mistakes, and move on.
Maybe because they dont care for him. :eek:

I recall 2 years ago when taylor would get re-injured, people would just walk past him back to the huddle, no one going over to check on him or anything. Who knows.

Cuz they don't like or don't respect the QB maybe?

I really hope not. I really hope they are not playing well because they are not coached well or are just not the caliber of athlete that we need, not because they don't like him. While I understand these guys are kids/young adults I really find it hard that they are not playing there hardest just because they don't like/respect him.
TM is severely lacking in the pocket awareness department and is stupid if he trusts the tackle on his blindside. After all, Barney Cotton is the O-Line coach.

So, if he has happy feet in the pocket from worrying about the blindside rush, everybody would tear him apart for not being patient enough. If he stands in the pocket (like he should), everybody tears him apart for not have good enough pocket awareness. Lose-lose situation.
Seriously??? You are disturbed because TM said he fumbled as a result of being blindsided? It is nothing short of stupid to suggest that a QB should assume someone is coming and thus concentrate on that defender instead of completing the pass. QBs are taught to trust the tackle on the blindside. You are being totally disingenuous to suggest TM is "severely lacking in the pocket awareness department" because his blindside tackle let him down.

In the case of a couple of writers this was helpful information for them.

He's not good with the press, but I really don't care if he is or not. It has no bearing in how he perfoms on gameday. Athletes need to have confidence to perform at a high level. They can't be stuck in the past, constantly worrying about mistakes they made the week before. If they are, it is going to hamper their performance going forward. Learn from the mistakes, and move on.

I dont care either, but I would just like to see the guy give the impression he cares.
So, if he has happy feet in the pocket from worrying about the blindside rush, everybody would tear him apart for not being patient enough. If he stands in the pocket (like he should), everybody tears him apart for not have good enough pocket awareness. Lose-lose situation.

Yep, pretty much. Welcome to playing QB at a Div I school with high fan expectations. FWIW, I'm not as worried about that side of the ball as I am the one helmed by the 'genius.'

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