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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked What teams do you want to play every year?

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Red Shirt
5 Year Member
We all know divisision and schedules are going to be shaken up in 2014 and so I started thinking about teams I want to continue to play every year:

IN order:

Michigan they may never be a rival but love playing against the all time wins leader
Northwestern easy road trip
Iowa they suck and easy road trip
Minn they are like our own personal ISU

That is it. I don't really care about the rest. I want the easy road trips and MICHIGAN!

I think Michigan is safe because the brass like having good vs good for night prime time games.

Good list. I'd probably throw Wisky and or Sparty in there as well. Indiana or Purdue do nothing for me, although you'd probably want to play one of them just to catch a bit of a breather.
Good list. I'd probably throw Wisky and or Sparty in there as well. Indiana or Purdue do nothing for me, although you'd probably want to play one of them just to catch a bit of a breather.

We NEED some cupcakes every year. I wouldn't mind have 3-4 cupcakes and 3 tougher games a year. Wisconsin and MSU scare me. They don't have the pedigree but they have fielded competitive teams. If we are going to lose I would rather lose to perennial powers.

I guess we should ask who our crossover rival should be. PSU doesn't really do anything for me.
I guess I like the one's we've been playing. I like playing Wisconsin. Indiana is a beautiful campus, would be a fun trip. We could play Rutgers at the MeadowLands, or whatever they're calling the stadium where the Giants play. Maryland would be a fun trip also.

Wisconsin...........their program is built after the likeness of NU. I love the match ups. If I had to look at one teams as being an "actual" rival this early, it would be the Badgers.
Iowa........I can get use to my boss (played along side Larry Station for two seasons) providing me with something mouth watering from Omaha Steaks after season those Hawkeyes leave the field with their head down. Love the Border Brawl (Beating) game feel.
Michigan......as someone mentioned already, playing against the all time winning leader is great no matter how you look at it. Weather it be an upset, or we cover the spread in a win. Tradition vs Tradition.
Iowa, Wisconsin (living in Badger country) and Michigan.

I bet the Legends and Leaders conferences remain as currently named ... Rutgers and Maryland go into the Leaders and Illinois moves to the Legends. Keeps competitive balance and geographical sense (for the most part).
It seems that quite a few of us like playing Wisconsin. With a bigger conference, we, most likely, will be playing Wisconsin less often, unless they are moved to the Legends.

Notre Dame
Ohio State

I figure that would be a good test of the Huskers testicular fortitude
Notre Dame
Ohio State

I figure that would be a good test of the Huskers testicular fortitude
NU would have to have some LARGE testiculars to play a schedule like that. :lol:
Teams I wish we would play every year? Or teams that I think make sense for the the conference to have us play every year?

First list

Michigan State
Ohio State

Teams that would make sense for us to play every year

Michigan State
Penn State

If this decision concerning Illinois is permanent, I'm going to be somewhat bummed. I really wanted to see Wisconsin in our division.
We all know divisision and schedules are going to be shaken up in 2014 and so I started thinking about teams I want to continue to play every year:

IN order:

Michigan they may never be a rival but love playing against the all time wins leader
Northwestern easy road trip
Iowa they suck and easy road trip
Minn they are like our own personal ISU

That is it. I don't really care about the rest. I want the easy road trips and MICHIGAN!

I think Michigan is safe because the brass like having good vs good for night prime time games.

PSU, I hope they stay a cross rival. I have never been able to see the Huskers live and would like an opportunity every two years!!

Would love to see the Huskers pick up a couple of PAC schools (and Notre Dame, of course) for their OOC. Stanford/NU would have been epic this year.
One team I wish we wouldn't play every year: Penn St. Forced "rivalries" are stupid.

Other than that, I like having one Pac 12 nonconference opponent every year.

Notre Dame
Ohio State

I figure that would be a good test of the Huskers testicular fortitude

That ball busting schedule would be more like multiple testicular contusions.
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