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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Thoughts/Prayers on a very humbling day.

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Junior Varsity
20 Year Member
After discussing this with my wife Melanie, I have chosen to post this to let you all know about some things. About 2 weeks ago Melanie was taken to the ER from her classroom, with what was later diagnosed as a ruptured cyst in her ovary. This started a series of extensive tests. Long story short, she and I met with her Dr. yesterday afternoon as her results came back indicating she has breast cancer. The fact that an ER visit led to what we now know, though difficult to digest, I believe is a true blessing from GOD. I am banking on that fact as it is my nature. Things happen for a reason. Mel is a fighter. Very tough, sometimes stubborn (that is not a bad thing), and I have no doubt that her positive attitude will be a tremendous asset as well. Course it doesn’t hurt to have prayer and faith. So with that in mind we will start the process tomorrow morning, meeting with other Doctors etc. to ask tons of questions and determine the most appropriate course of action. In closing, I hope we all give thanks today and every day for what we have. And tell those you love, that you love them. Finally, get a check-up. Don’t wait !!!! Female or male. “Youngâ€￾ or “Oldâ€￾. Family history or not. http://ww5.komen.org/<wbr>breastcancer/<wbr>earlydetectionampscreening.html

May Gods Blessings go with you and 'Mel'.....and may he have Guardian Angels watchover her as you go through this difficult process in life....blessings my friend....

I'm going to sticky.....

My prayers will be with you and Melanie. May God put his healing hand on her and give the two of you the strength you need to fight this horrible disease. I think most women fear hearing the words breast cancer and hope if we ever do that we will have a strong, understanding, loving husband to help us through it.
Hold her a little tighter and let her work through all the emotions I am sure she will have.
Take a list of questions with you when you see the Dr. so you don't forget what you want to ask.
You and Melanie hang in there. We all know, prayer is a powerful force. We are all praying for her recovery.

Blessings, my friend, from all your Husker brothers and sisters. :)


My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1996 while we are at seminary in St. Louis. She is now almost 17 years cancer free. When the doctors went through all the statistics of types of treatment options and odds of reoccurring, she finally looked and that doctor and said "If God intends for me to live, I will live. Either way lets get busy living until He says something else."

My prayers are for God to hear all your prayers and to give her the absolute best of His care and blessings of healing. Remember, the power of prayer is in the One who hears the prayers!


Keeping both of you in my prayers. As a 18+ year survivor of breast cancer I know it can be done. And you are right - stubborn is not a bad thing!
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