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Thor Love & Thunder


Leading horses to water since 2009
15 Year Member
Has anyone seen the new Thor movie?

I just saw it. I didn't hate it, but I can't say that I really liked it. It seemed like it was all over the place. Some parts are good, others not so much.

I'm honestly not sure what the point of it was, or how it will advance the MCU. Feels like a missed opportunity that only served to let Taika Waititi play with some toys.

Has anyone seen the new Thor movie?

I just saw it. I didn't hate it, but I can't say that I really liked it. It seemed like it was all over the place. Some parts are good, others not so much.

I'm honestly not sure what the point of it was, or how it will advance the MCU. Feels like a missed opportunity that only served to let Taika Waititi play with some toys.
Haven't seen it, but based on my reaction to the trailers, I would probably agree with you.

I'll wait until it's available for free on some streaming service.
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Has anyone seen the new Thor movie?
It's been available on streaming services for a while now, but I finally worked up enough interest to watch it.

I tried watching it last night, but it was so uninteresting that I kept falling asleep.

I tried watching the rest of it this morning, but kept falling asleep again.

When I finally decided to get out of bed, I forced myself to watch again, and FF skipped to the bits I missed earlier.

Didn't care for it at all. Thought it was mostly dumb.
I just saw it. I didn't hate it, but I can't say that I really liked it. It seemed like it was all over the place. Some parts are good, others not so much.

I'm honestly not sure what the point of it was, or how it will advance the MCU. Feels like a missed opportunity that only served to let Taika Waititi play with some toys.
Nailed it.
It definitely has his signature all over it.

I really liked what he did with Ragnarok, I thought that movie was really funny. But this was just too much. I even got tired of the screaming goats, which surprised me.

The only think I liked about this movie is that I didn't waste money to see it in a theater
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I walked out of this movie thinking I may not ever go to a marvel movie again. I thought I was not the target audience on this one.

Went to John wick last weekend and saw Guardians of the galaxy poster for this summer, which I was a fan of, but probably will wait for the reviews before I waist my time in another snoozer like the last Thor.
