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Stanton Showcases What Huskers Seek

In July, Nebraska received the verbal commitment of Santa Margarita’s Johnny Stanton and calmed the nerves of Huskers everywhere. Saturday night, Stanton gave the nation a glimpse of what has Nebraska fans excited as the Santa Margarita Eagles took on Phoenix, Arizona’s Brophy Prep on ESPN. Stanton finished the 27-14 with a strong showing: 12/20 for 215 yards with 2 touchdowns and 2 interceptions along with 92 yards on 16 rushes.
For Nebraska fans, it was a strong showing with a couple of bumps on the way to a win. Stanton had two interceptions, but he was also responsible for almost 70% of Santa Margarita’s 472 yards of total offense. With a record setting junior year and a strong start to his senior campaign, Stanton is showing himself to be a good fit for the Huskers in a number of ways.

Santa Margarita’s Offense
The Eagles’ offense is based with four wide receivers and a running back. The first aspect of the offense’s variation comes with different alignments of the receivers, ranging from a triple set on one side to pairs split to both sides. Santa Margarita also moves the running back around the backfield from directly behind the quarterback to a wingback position.


At times, players struggle with the transition from their high school offense to their college’s offense. Stanton’s development at Nebraska shouldn’t be hindered at all coming from the Eagles’. If Stanton and his back were to line up in a Pistol formation, their set would match a lot of what Nebraska is doing. From Santa Margarita to Nebraska, there will be two main differences: Stanton’s alignment and the use of the tight end.

In the Eagles’ offense, Stanton always line up under center. Nebraska, on the other hand, features a spread system that primarily uses more shotgun and Pistol alignments. Fortunately, Stanton will come in with plenty of experience with pitches, play action, and even option plays. Though he has been performing these plays from under center, the transition to a shotgun-based set shouldn’t bring much issue.

The far more minor detail Stanton will see in changing from the Eagles’ offense to the Huskers’ is the use of the tight end. Santa Margarita always lines up five offensive linemen and four wide receivers whereas Nebraska likes to incorporate their versatile tight ends. This change won’t be an ‘issue,’ but a simple adjustment.
As a whole, the Santa Margarita offense sets up Stanton very well for Nebraska. It incorporates the spread, QB runs, a variety of routes (short, medium, and deep), and other facets Stanton will see in Tim Beck’s playbook.

Measurables, Intangibles, and More

At 6’2†and 220 pounds, Stanton’s build suits him very well for a dual threat quarterback (even if he is built like a linebacker). His highlight reels are full of strong throws and bulldozing runs. At full speed, there aren’t many defenders who can bring a player of Stanton’s size down with a lazy tackle. In addition, he has a fair pocket presence but knows when to tuck it. As such, Stanton impresses with his ability to extend plays behind the line of scrimmage.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/CQOCDxzHS0E" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

One of the largest criticisms of Johnny Stanton has been his throwing motion and the related mechanics. Rivals’ Mike Farrell gave the ‘Call A Mechanic’ award to Stanton, saying he “tends to push the ball and isn't a natural thrower at this point.†Trent Dilfer, lead coach for the prestigious Elite 11 camp, seems to disagree though, saying “Stanton just has to show the world something that I already know: That he’s a passer.†Stanton does have an unorthodox motion, but still connects at a variety of ranges on most routes. His short game is easily his strength, but Stanton has shown the ability to connect at range.

Johnny Wins
A winning attitude and a strong work ethic cannot be overvalued. Stanton was a coach favorite at the Elite 11 largely because of his drive and ‘Yes sir, no sir’ approach. After winning a state title in California last year, and being favored to repeat this year, it’s easy to see what Beck likes in Stanton’s leadership. One thing you’ll hear mentioned of Stanton’s playing is his willingness to lower his shoulder for extra yardage. What Bo Pelini and Tim Beck have realized, and what Husker fans are finding out, is that it’s a perfect analogy for Johnny Stanton: He does what it takes to get the extra yard.

Perfect for Nebraska football.

Geez, great post BTBR.

That highlight reel also showed a very strong ability to see the field and throw on the run. Coaches done good getting this commit.
Great analysis! I watched the game against Brophy, Stanton looked very natural and relaxed running the option. You hear players say that there comes a point when the game seems to slow down for them after they pick up the offense. Johnny looked liked that to me playing against Brophy. He also had the intangibles of leadership, pocket presence, and confidence. He has so much talent surrounding him that his teammates also help him make it look easy out there. He's a great fit for the Huskers. :)

The part of that night that impressed me was his poise. He had a camera in his face the entire night on the sideline. He acted like a young man that is under control. Many kids would have acted the idiot at some point, but he looked comfortable in front of the camera. This may have impacted his play on the field slightly, but it was good for him to get a taste of what life in college will be like. It sounds like he is a Bo disciple on the post-game comments about knowing what they need to work on and need to improve...

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