Squirrels. You've got lots of woods, you have to have squirrels. You tie flies, right? Squirrel tails and squirrel pelts are incredibly useful for fly tying. Best of all: you can shoot squirrels in your back yard. If you don't hate squirrels, go buy a bird feeder and try and keep them out, and the dark side will grow within you like a Sith lord in training. If the spouse doesn't approve, encourage her to plant some lettuce in an open garden and then try and keep the rabbits out. Nothing outside of the poor choices of a husband brings out a wife's lust for killing like pests in a garden.
Here are some videos from some awesome channels for backyard varminting:
Fwiw, the Brits are really into air rifle hunting ... since they have such a hard time getting the real thing, I suppose. Here's a video from a guy who runs a great Brit channel on varmint hunting:
Here's one from a South African guy's cool channel:
If you're having a stressful day, and you feel like punching someone, here's a better alternative: grab a beer, sit in a comfortable chair, and watch some squirrels and rabbits enter the ever-after. If you can't hunt, it makes you feel better.
If you like those, I dare you to do some YouTube searches for coyote and hog hunting. (You're welcome.)