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Scuttlebutt from Lincoln

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I don't know if any of this is true and kind of doubt it is, but I've always thought Bo would look hard at OSU if given the chance. Back when the scandal was going on everyone was saying their program was hopeless and who would go there.....less than a year and Meyer is the coach. The recruiting base is like Texas. It's home. People here whine about every little thing.

I love these rumors where Bo has hurt feelings from interacting with the big bad Nebraska media, and will therefore go to another program, because their fanbase and media are much more "coach friendly".

tOSU fan base and media will absolutely crucify players and coaches. Meyer can go 11-1 for the next two years, but if he doesn't beat UM the seat will get warm.
I also heard from a friend who has ties to a booster of substance's dog groomer that TO has already reached out to Chris Peterson and he's ready to take over the Huskers. This is why he turned down UCLA last week.

Hey if we're going to make up stuff, let's make it good. :D

If Chris Peterson takes the Husker job I'm pretty sure the Big Red will be playing their home games on a Blue carpet in Boise, Peterson and Boise good fit and he only has to look back at the two HC's before him that left Boise for greener pastures. Lots of grief and no "Coach" before there name any longer.
First, this is utter b.s.

On the other hand, I'd lay a $100 bill that the Bo won't be NU's head coach 2 years from now.

Reason? The guy's candle burns too hot. He is quick-tempered, thin-skinned, and impatient. Those are the ingredients of a time bomb, and the odds of it discharging in the next 24 months under the weight of the the expectations of this program are very, very high.

Guys with Bo's temperament don't stick for long because they can't. Nick Saban and Urban are both guys with that hot fire that have to have some drama every few years. Same with the Bo man.

I like Bo and am glad he is our coach. If you like him too, enjoy him while you can because dude won't be around much longer. If you don't like him, stick around because change is a' coming. His fire's too hot for there to be any other outcome.

I will take that Benjamin off your hands.

Crap like the OP only fuels weak minds. These "boosters" are the 4th-9th other personalities of some fat, 300lb 40-year old who still lives in his parents basement, MW3/WoW playing bum who still has a Dr. Tom shrine that he worships three times a day. They are fantasy land and give whom ever has a stumbling belief that somehow "former head coach X with a loosing record" is better than Bo another reason to post.

Thanks for this thread. I needed a good laugh this morning.

Seriously? Head coach in waiting at tOSU? Sure, Meyer not last long with his health. But that's a pretty huge risk for Bo to take if he goes there and waits for Meyer's health to decline again. I don't think Bo is going anywhere.

He's only 47, so I doubt he's going anywhere for a while. Ask Will Muschamp how that worked out for him at Texas.
Recognize that this is a 3rd party rumor so take it for what it's worth.

My brother is a very good friend of someone who is quite heavily involved in the local Lincoln media. Here is what he has heard.

As mentioned by Shatel in his post-Iowa column, Bo is on very thin ice with several prominent boosters. The win over Iowa was, indeed, important. This has not completely served to put out the fire, however. Combine this lack of patience with the stinging rebuke he received last year after aTm and you are left with a head coach who is extremely frustrated and potentially wants out.

Carl leaving could have been step one. Similar to not firing Watson last year and waiting, instead, for him to find a job, Bo would not leave until/unless his brother landed on his feet.

The current offer that Bo is considering is DC/Asst HC/coach-in-waiting at tOSU. Whether or not he takes it is very much anyone's guess right now.

The current lack of recruit commitments can be directly attributed to this uncertainty as other coaches, specifically those known to negative recruit (Les Miles), are using this situation against us.

Now again, this is friend-of-brother stuff so how reliable will it ultimately be? Who knows? It could be 100% accurate but then Bo doesn't leave and it will appear that this was all ****************. We'll see.

may be that persons wish list , but this is WRONG on SOOOOO many levels.

Starting and ending the TO !! TO is all N with BO as HC, dont see that changing .
I will take that Benjamin off your hands.

Crap like the OP only fuels weak minds. These "boosters" are the 4th-9th other personalities of some fat, 300lb 40-year old who still lives in his parents basement, MW3/WoW playing bum who still has a Dr. Tom shrine that he worships three times a day. They are fantasy land and give whom ever has a stumbling belief that somehow "former head coach X with a loosing record" is better than Bo another reason to post.

Maybe they're trying to sell papers?

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