These all show up as private videos. How or where to we need to go to watch these?
I can answer my own question. Below is the pinstripe bowl link. DH starts his interview at about the 48-minute mark.
No BS or coach speak from DH. When asked how he feels the offensive line, he doesn't hesitate to say we need some reinforcements. No sugarcoating things. I like that.DH is saying all the words that I want to hear. The need for offensive linemen, the need for the RBs to step up, how important TE to the offense, etc. Eager to see it work on the field at the bowl game with about 45 days under his belt.
No BS or coach speak from DH. When asked how he feels the offensive line, he doesn't hesitate to say we need some reinforcements. No sugarcoating things. I like that.