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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Nebraska at Iowa Gameday Weather Forecast

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Feral Cat
20 Year Member
Friday at 11AM CST in Iowa City ....

After a nice, mild start to the extended holiday weekend -- Friday will turn quite cold!

Upper 20s at daybreak Friday morning in Iowa City. Won't reach 40 that afternoon. 35-38° is about the best you'll see for the second half of the game. On top of the chilly temperatures, a northwest wind will be in the 15-20 mph range -- with gusts of 25. Wind chill will be a term applied on Friday. Otherwise, it will be dry. Probably even some sunshine. But it will be a game to bundle up -- no doubt about it.

So what you are saying is, after the last couple weeks, there will be little more than a mild breeze for this game? :) I think that the Huskers have shown that they can kick into the wind with little to no adverse effects. I just hope that we havent overcompensated and now everything is way off target!! GO BIG RED!!

ouch... i'll have two ten year olds with me. i foresee an early departure if it's not close.

problem is...the rest of the family likely stays until the end; so, we just warm up in the car and don't get a chance to beat traffic...

although, on second thought... if we wait until the end to start driving, most of the hawk fans will already be gone. many of them leave early even in a tight game.
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