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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked MY DREAM SEATS

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5 Year Member
All I have ever wanted to do is sit in the first row in sections 36 or 16, just one time! Those seats are NEVER available. If anybody has any connections please let me know, thanks.

Only at Memorial Stadium would the best seats in the house be in the endzones. (Not making fun of your Big10Dude, but making fun of the Memorial Stadium design.)
Only at Memorial Stadium would the best seats in the house be in the endzones. (Not making fun of your Big10Dude, but making fun of the Memorial Stadium design.)

Qualcomm stadium in san diego is the same way. Row A section 52. I have been trying to get those seats for years. Offered one guy three game tickste and several hundred dollaars in cash for a chance to sit in his seats for just one game, he has always declined.
All I have ever wanted to do is sit in the first row in sections 36 or 16, just one time! Those seats are NEVER available. If anybody has any connections please let me know, thanks.

I have to ask....WHY?

First row of the end zone? Horrific vantage point. And if you are in the north endzone on a sunny day...have fun with that!

Gimme 1st row of 106 or 226.

Only at Memorial Stadium would the best seats in the house be in the endzones. (Not making fun of your Big10Dude, but making fun of the Memorial Stadium design.)

I'm sure he's in a small minority on those seats....but you are correct. Memorial Stadium is a very unfortunate thing when it comes to actually watching the game.
I have to ask....WHY?

First row of the end zone? Horrific vantage point. And if you are in the north endzone on a sunny day...have fun with that!

Gimme 1st row of 106 or 226.

I hear you bils. I love the first row of the balcony (if you don't have to make a quick trip to the restroom.)

10 rows up is the sweet spot, as that usually negates the people walking in the aise below the first row. Come to think of it, my UCLA game tickets this fall put me in about that exact situation. :)
one thought...it might have been the perfect seat in the house for Henery's 57 yarder...

Becuase those seats are the closest to the field. I like endzone seats becuase you can see the plays develop. Nothing beats it for redzone action.
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End zone seats are great if there is enough action on that side of the field. I was at one game once where everything -the whole game- seemed to be within the 40 yards at the other end of the field. Spent the whole game looking at 11 butts in the binoculars.
I remember the year my dad & I had season tickets for the top row of the south stadium. I learned a lot about football that year because instead of just watching the guy with the football I could actually see the entire play develop. Good memories...

To be quite honest, i dont care where my seats are as long as its in the endzone ...i always choose the south endzone....and now that my season tickets are there...im content :Biggrin:
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