I don’t know where to start with this. 10 years ago, Gundy had others he had to report to. T. Boone, Mike Holder, and Burns Harges (former president). Boone is dead, Holder is gone, and the ne president is a woman, who loves him. His AD, Chad Weiberg, has no power over Gundy. Mike has gotten lazy, bitter, and complacent. It shows. Recruiting use to be in the 20’s and 30’s, now it’s in the 40’-60’s. He is no longer hungry. They couldn’t have scrapped him years ago, as he has an automatic rollover clause, adding another year, every year. They don’t have the money. At this meeting last week, he was very close to being fired. Would have been if not for a 25 m buyout, which OSU doesn’t have laying around.
The oil money you speak of, was T. Boone. He’s dead, and has been for a minute. That well has run dry. About $700,000,000.00‘s worth he gave them. It’s gone. OSU, does not have a bunch of super rich alumni. Garth Brooks might be one of the richer ones, but I’m not sure if he gives them money or not. They have some ‘small timers’, millionaires who give, but it’s NOT enough. They have the smallest recruiting budget in the entire power 4. It shows, they don’t have any talent. Enlighten me on the rich donors no one knows about? I live here, obviously, and I do pay attention to both OU and OSU. Bob Funk is the only billionaire I know of who is an OSU fan. I do not know if he donates or not. Pretty sure he had a suite in the stadium, but unsure how much he still comes. He’s getting up there in years.
As for his ego, yes, he’s always had one, but now, it’s more so than ever. He called the people bitching about this season, a bunch of losers who can’t pay their own bills, or take care of their families. BTW, it wasn’t just poor people bitching about it. I know some people, quite a few actually, who are well to do, who are infuriated by what he said. That, has ruffled a ton of feathers in Stillwater. He said what he said, because he can. That’s ultra ego. He’s the best coach ever at OSU, by a landslide. Getting rid of him, if he WANTS to still do this, would be a painful thing for OSU.
Stillwater presents many challenges, especially in today’s college football. In the power 4, OSU is sucking in NIL. They are being passed by.They have limited funds. The regent meeting was specifically to address Gundy, and what to do, as well as a path forward in todays football. Gundy is ‘lucky’ to still have his job. Problem is, I’m not sure he didn’t try to get fired, to get the money. Some of those regents, wanted him fired for cause, because of what he said. It would never hold up in court, and OSU knows it.