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Mike Gundy

After a BOR meeting this am, supposedly Gundy has until 5pm to accept a reworked contract, or he’s fired.
From the Daily Oklahoman

Though it was not specifically stated by anyone, the focus of the meeting was believed to be focused on Gundy and his contract status in the aftermath of a 3-9 season the struggles of which were exacerbated by Gundy’s comments about unhappy fans.

He said complaining fans are “weak,” and “can’t pay their own bills,” later adding that they are “the same failure that they were before they said anything negative about anybody else.”

While the board could attempt to use that behavior against Gundy as cause for termination, it would be a difficult mountain to climb. Gundy’s contract buyout for termination without cause is approximately $25.3 million. It was anticipated that Friday’s meeting could entail anything from Gundy’s termination, a renegotiation of his contract or nothing at all.

Any further action by the board would require another special meeting or would need to be added to the agenda of the next regular meeting, which is set for late

If he gets fired, he allegedly will be bought out. A booster is fronting at least $15 million in that outcome.

It’s up to Gundy.
The article says they would have to call a special session again or wait until late january so time is on his side or OSU coughs up 25 million with the help of their friends and in Gundy fashion he laughs all the way to the nearest bank ;)
which im thinking he wants them to do just unlike BO didnt come out and say then fire me
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The article says they would have to call a special session again or wait until late january so time is on his side or OSU coughs up 25 million with the help of their friends and in Gundy fashion he laughs all the way to the nearest bank ;)
which im thinking he wants them to do just unlike BO didnt come out and say then fire me

We should know a lot more by 5pm

Gundy has gotten too big, and really has no one in charge of him in Stillwater. He’s a really good coach, but his ego has gotten too big. If he leaves, or gets fired, OSU better know what they are doing. They don’t have any money. Others won’t care like Gundy used to. Mike is too rich, and his level of care, IMO, has waned. OSU has the smallest recruiting budget in the power 4, and it shows. The motivation is weak, by looking at the results. I’m not sure how they can compete, or how he can fix this quickly. They are very weak in NIL. Have to see how this plays out.
Gundy has gotten too big, and really has no one in charge of him in Stillwater. He’s a really good coach, but his ego has gotten too big. If he leaves, or gets fired, OSU better know what they are doing. They don’t have any money. Others won’t care like Gundy used to. Mike is too rich, and his level of care, IMO, has waned. OSU has the smallest recruiting budget in the power 4, and it shows. The motivation is weak, by looking at the results. I’m not sure how they can compete, or how he can fix this quickly. They are very weak in NIL. Have to see how this plays out.
Didn't he take a pay cut a few years ago when the players were upset he was photgraphed wearing a conservative TV network t-shirt on his own time and not at work. This was during the BLM riots time. I remember him not being real happy then but he sucked it up and continued on. I really do like the guy I think its a game of chicken right now over his comments about people he made recently but there is no cause to fire him and Okie State doesn't want to pay up so I can't blame Gundy either pay up and fire me or let me be!!

I’m not sure if they are firing him for just cause, or just ‘cause.
25,000,000 is a lot reguardless of who is pitching in to pay and of course im sure they will pitch in for all the Asst's pay outs and help with new coaches wages too right?
25,000,000 is a lot reguardless of who is pitching in to pay and of course im sure they will pitch in for all the Asst's pay outs and help with new coaches wages too right?

Who knows. I’m always amazed at the dollars paid to make people go away.

