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Locked due to no posts in 60 days. Report 1st post if need unlocked Looks like these are the alt unis and they are for the Whisky game...

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Wow, I am glad they went with something completely different instead of tweaking it a bit.

And the traditionalist's will melt down in 3...2...

I'm a traditionalist when it comes to Husker uni's, yet I do like the black helmet with the red N. The skinny big N on the front and the striped socks are a bit much though.
They're Here -- New Husker Uni Video

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Hideous is right !! Makes us look like we're trying to emulate Texas Tech, and the video doesn't even highlight what should be the iconic symbol of Husker football .............. The red "N" on the helmet.
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I'm a traditionalist when it comes to Husker uni's, yet I do like the black helmet with the red N. The skinny big N on the front and the striped socks are a bit much though.

I am also a traditionalist. Don't understand the need to alternatives. But when you mentioned the "striped" socks, I cringed, thinking of the old Denver Bronco wide vertical brown and yellow socks. These are pretty understated. I can live with them for one game, I guess.
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I have been all on board for having a cool alt uniform once a year. That however is really bad. Almost all of the fan creations I have seen have been better than that. Red tops and bottoms is always bad. Giant N on the chest is silly.
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