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Is this the year?

I expect our front 4 will be better this year than last. We have young, unproven LBs and we are replacing 2 smart, solid longstanding starters. We are thin and we need unproven players to step up at DB. I think we will be fine, but a top quartile D isn’t a given this year. My biggest worry is LB, but We do have what I think is talent there. They just need to show up big. We will know what we have in game 2.

That Holiday Bowl against Arizona was the last shutout? That was FIFTEEN years ago. Suh's senior year, IIRC.

I thought surely we would have had one in the last decade. Maybe a season opener against some MAC/SunBelt/FCS team.

But apparently not.

I'm not sure what to expect this year. I think our defense will be good. However, we hardly played any teams last year with an offensive punch. So many of the points they did score against us were self-inflicted by our offense. This year I expect our offense to help the defense much more but still expect offensive output from our schedule to be a little higher. Hoping the reduction of turnovers off sets that.
I'm not sure what to expect this year. I think our defense will be good. However, we hardly played any teams last year with an offensive punch. So many of the points they did score against us were self-inflicted by our offense. This year I expect our offense to help the defense much more but still expect offensive output from our schedule to be a little higher. Hoping the reduction of turnovers off sets that.
Last year and the year before we played three teams each season in the top 70 on offense. But I also peaked at Colorado and usc last year and they didn't score much against better defenses unless like us we were handing them three scores on turnovers as for the bluffs.

So in a sense the same holds true for those weaker pac defenses vs those high scoring pac offenses.
The one that clinched the usc power offense being not that powerful were their games against ucla where they scored only twenty, a defense having the same rating as us, and scored only 27 against Oregon whose defense wasn't quite as good in numbers.

Other than Oregon, I think the new pac teams struggle some.
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A shutout? In this day and age, as mentioned, it’s nearly impossible against most anyone, unless you have 12 Iowa’s on the schedule. It would need to be a terrible offense/team. Just don’t see it much anymore. I’m still not sure how good the defense even is. It played no one with a pulse, as mentioned above, so we will have to see. 15-20 pts a game allowed, would be stellar. Have to score in todays football.
It may not happen, but boy, would that be fun!!!!

P.S. My favorite plays in football are played by our defense (QB sack, Safety, Pick 6, Scoop N Score, etc.)

A shutout? In this day and age, as mentioned, it’s nearly impossible against most anyone, unless you have 12 Iowa’s on the schedule. It would need to be a terrible offense/team. Just don’t see it much anymore. I’m still not sure how good the defense even is. It played no one with a pulse, as mentioned above, so we will have to see. 15-20 pts a game allowed, would be stellar. Have to score in todays football.
We play three teams again in the top 70 in scoring.


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