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Fried Turkey!


Kill All Humans
20 Year Member
Without the oil. We just picked up a Charbroil Big Easy turkey fryer for this years Thanksgiving bird. We love our indoor air fryer so I hope this thing gives as good as results.


Without the oil. We just picked up a Charbroil Big Easy turkey fryer for this years Thanksgiving bird. We love our indoor air fryer so I hope this thing gives as good as results.

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If it works as well as the 3-in-1 it will be great. I think they work on the same infrared principle.

I got the 3-in-1 last year and the turkey turned out great. It also cooked really fast.

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If it works as well as the 3-in-1 it will be great. I think they work on the same infrared principle.

I got the 3-in-1 last year and the turkey turned out great. It also cooked really fast.

View attachment 72642
Interesting looking cooker, I didn’t see any like this. I fired mine up this morning to burn the newness out and it does get intense hot in a hurry.
Without the oil. We just picked up a Charbroil Big Easy turkey fryer for this years Thanksgiving bird. We love our indoor air fryer so I hope this thing gives as good as results.

View attachment 72641
Have one myself. You can only do a 12 lbs. turkey in these bad boys. They do turnout great.

Tip: make sure your bird is closer to the top of the lid. I use a rack that elevates it. If it sits all the way on the bottom, I had problems with the thighs not being done with the rest of the bird. There seems to be a cooler spot towards the bottom.

Inject / season the bird as you would with the oil fryer, and it will turn out just as good.

Oh, you can do other meats like a prime rib roll in these as well. They turnout perfectly crisp on the outside and perfectly medium rare in the middle.
There is a whole other thread about the Big Easy in here. I still love mine.

I have used mine to push a smoked pork butt past the stall, and to crisp the Bark, worth saving time.

Another favorite is to do chicken quarters set upright around the basket.
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There is a whole other thread about the Big Easy in here. I still love mine.

I have used mine to push a smoked pork butt past the stall, and to crisp the Bark, wheat saving time.

Another favorite is to do chicken quarters set upright around the basket.
Ok, I will look for it. Thanks
