I live in Dallas and try to follow Volleyball as much as I can.
What happened to Morgan Broekhuis?
Why is she not playing?
What happened to Morgan Broekhuis?
Why is she not playing?
My understanding is that she is not practicing as well as some of the other players, so she is getting limited playing time.
My understanding is that she is not practicing as well as some of the other players, so she is getting limited playing time.
That's what I heard as well. Same thing for Haggerty. Coach Cook said last years players were having a hard time adjusting to the new setter. The new players did know any different so have no adjusting to do.
Haggerty played most of the night tonight. They only took her out when she got to the back row.
That is good news indeed. She is too good to sit for too long.
It seems that Alicia Ostrander from Gordon is really stepping up and getting some good playing time.