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Congrats Frank Solich


Congratulations Frank. I always said IMO he only made 1 mistake as Head Coach. That was that he tried to be TO. I think if he would have given play calling duties to Turner those first few years. He might still be our coach today. Not everyone can do both at the same time. Additionally very few head coaches in their first job can pull it off.

I never had any animus towards Frank. I just think he was in over his head a bit. However, all that being said. He learned and spent his year off going around to other schools and learning from other coaches. He is by far the best coach Ohio ever had.
IMO leaving NU and spending a year or so off before starting up at Ohio was exactly the right path in the long run. Once there, he did a great job in conditions where he was permitted to do his job as he wanted to do it.
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Congratulations Frank. I always said IMO he only made 1 mistake as Head Coach. That was that he tried to be TO. I think if he would have given play calling duties to Turner those first few years. He might still be our coach today. Not everyone can do both at the same time. Additionally very few head coaches in their first job can pull it off.

I never had any animus towards Frank. I just think he was in over his head a bit. However, all that being said. He learned and spent his year off going around to other schools and learning from other coaches. He is by far the best coach Ohio ever had.
1) He retained most of the coaches from TOs staff, most of whom were not good recruiters
2) He retained OC responsibility rather than identify and delegate that responsibility
3) He failed to recruit as well as TO, particularly at the QB position
IMO leaving NU and spending a year or so off before starting up at Ohio was exactly the right path in the long run. Once there, he did a great job in conditions where he was permitted to do his job as he wanted to do it.
he took them to 11 bowl games when they had previously only been to 2. that program was terrible for most of the modern era and he made them respectable. Albin has continued that success during his run as well.

congrats frank! Deserved!
My reasons for franks struggles at nu
1 frank wasnt the recruiter to was and franks leftover staff was old, tired, and achieved all they could so recruiting fell off
2 charlie mcbride retires
3 parody was more prevalent in the 2000s than the 90s
4 only tos last 2 yrs did he deal with the texas schools and then OU reserged. Big difference to had in the 90s with no texas schools and a dead ou team
5 frank was a good coach. To was one of the greatest ever. A slip was inevitable
Yet imo frank should have been retained as he would have continued to grow as a coach
Great career regardless
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