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Club level seats for $121 on Stub Hub


All Legend
10 Year Member
My goodness. I remember giving $250 a piece for a couple of nose bleed seats to watch NU play OU in 2001. Twenty years ago.


My goodness, so glad you found another method of pointing out how bad we suck and how fans like you are can now buy cheaper seats.
Is that what he’s doing? I think you read a lot into things that isn’t there. I understand the over the top negativity sucks but not everything is that. I don’t think West Texas has been over the top with his criticism. You always seem ready for a fight. We agree on an awfully lot. I definitely don’t dislike you. I just don’t understand the way you respond lately. Granted I’ve gone completely crazy on here the last few months. I needed some time off to get my head right.
That has been the norm for most games the past few years. The bigger games of course go for more but I have been snagging them for a game at that price for a couple years now.

So, by your own admission, you are living 20 years in the past! Got it.
NO he's making a point about how times have changed and people aren't willing to shell out top dollar for an inferior product. That $250 he spent in 2001 is equal to $386 today. So people are now paying more than 3 times less for better seats. Part of that is a reflection on the advances in television technology and other ways of keeping track of the games but it's more an indictment on how far this program has fallen especially the last 4 years.


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