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Husker Geek
10 Year Member
Don't know if anyone is interested in archery... I was thinking this could be a fun place to post your rig, a particularly good end, or a trophy.

I'm a beginning coach, so I might post an article about form or tournaments or whatever. I'm also going to try my hand at hunting this season or next.

I have an old Martin Cougar Magnum from the '80's, and a Hoyt Ignite from a few years back. Also have a Hoyt/SF ILF recurve that I'm going to shoot in a tournament later this summer in barebow.
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I'm strictly a bow hunter; I don't do any target competitions. I'm shooting an Elite Energy 32. Not the fastest bow, but its smooth as butter. After 2 shoulder surgeries, that is more important to me than top end speed.

This past year I switched to using one pin on my sight after listening to a very interesting podcast (can't remember which podcast). The bottom line theory is to absolutely simplify everything in your set up so that at the moment of truth, you don't have to think, just shoot. Zero your pin to 3" low at 30yds to account for the deer "crouch" just before it jumps the string. Your zero distance also depends where you are hunting/ how wide open, but above is the real quick version.

Worked well for me last year and I'll keep using it. I always hesitated going to the adjustable single pin sight because I didn't want to be fiddling with it when a deer is walking in.
ive got an old Ben Pearson, Critter-Getter, a split limb, var weight, bought approx 1981-2. Still shoots well, its not very quiet, but gets the job done. I am an instructor for the Boy Scouts, But havent really shot much other than a few targets, a couple times per year. I got a few deer, back in my teens. I wish I had that kinda time now. So Cal isnt really the deer kinda place. The blacktails here are about the size of an antelope.
Thanks for starting this! I'm strictly a bow hunter as well. I used to have a Martin Jaguar back in the day. Moved to a Mathews after that, shot it for 8 years. Switched to an Elite Impulse about five years ago, really like Elite. I was in the North American Whitetail Championship a couple years back, I entered the Kansas Missouri, and the Oklahoma, Texas and Arkansas regions. While on a 4 day trip to Oklahoma I was lucky enough to shoot a buck that vaulted me into 1st place for only a few weeks. Subsequently I ended in 2nd and won a new prime bow. Late last season I set it all up and shot a doe with it. Super smooth and shoots 310 fps with a 27.5" Draw.

I have a torn labrum so I shoot a crossbow. Im using an Excalibur Micro 335. It works great on the wild boar and small deer here in Fl. I do go back to Nebraska every year for rifle season though. Wish I could spend a month up there to bow hunt for sure.
Thanks for starting this! I'm strictly a bow hunter as well. I used to have a Martin Jaguar back in the day. Moved to a Mathews after that, shot it for 8 years. Switched to an Elite Impulse about five years ago, really like Elite. I was in the North American Whitetail Championship a couple years back, I entered the Kansas Missouri, and the Oklahoma, Texas and Arkansas regions. While on a 4 day trip to Oklahoma I was lucky enough to shoot a buck that vaulted me into 1st place for only a few weeks. Subsequently I ended in 2nd and won a new prime bow. Late last season I set it all up and shot a doe with it. Super smooth and shoots 310 fps with a 27.5" Draw.

If you're interested in selling any of your old bows, I'd be curious to know prices. I've only ever had a Browning bow from the early 90s, and I'm fine shooting that indefinitely, but I wouldn't ignore the opportunity for an upgrade either.
If you're interested in selling any of your old bows, I'd be curious to know prices. I've only ever had a Browning bow from the early 90s, and I'm fine shooting that indefinitely, but I wouldn't ignore the opportunity for an upgrade either.
Unfortunately, I've already sold them. I have a buddy that has a brand new prime bow that hasn't ever been set up. Are you right handed?
Unfortunately, I've already sold them. I have a buddy that has a brand new prime bow that hasn't ever been set up. Are you right handed?

Yes, I am. Fwiw, if you come across any good used left-handed bows, I have an 11-year-old son who is ready to get started, too. He's outgrown his starter bow.

Yes, I am. Fwiw, if you come across any good used left-handed bows, I have an 11-year-old son who is ready to get started, too. He's outgrown his starter bow.
My sons buddy has a good hoyt bow and is left handed, he may be up for an upgrade. I will find out, meanwhile you will need to go to a bowshop and get sized up for draw length etc.
Yes, I am. Fwiw, if you come across any good used left-handed bows, I have an 11-year-old son who is ready to get started, too. He's outgrown his starter bow.

My daughter got involved in this when she was 10, and is competing near the top of her age group in Colorado JOAD now. Kind of depends on who is running it, but it's fun and has escalating tournaments if you don't mind travel.
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My daughter got involved in this when she was 10, and is competing near the top of her age group in Colorado JOAD now. Kind of depends on who is running it, but it's fun and has escalating tournaments if you don't mind travel.

Yes, my two oldest are involved through the local 4H chapter, which is part of this program's network. We have them go for practice shoot-arounds, but we haven't done any competitions beyond that. If they want to, I'm fine with it, but I'm not going to push it. I just want them to learn how to shoot properly and hopefully like it.
Weekend results:

I shot in my first outdoor tournament, came in 3rd. My Daughter missed 1st place by less than a centimeter. Crazy day!


Had an old fiberglass recurve like this one back in the day, used to shoot frogs in the local pond. I remember the bowstring used to tear up my fore arm.
