Thanks Crab, I did have a few “starter“ tools that I gathered over the years doing maintenance on our rental properties, miter saw, cordless drills and such. Also, a couple of weeks ago I picked up a nice 10” Dewalt Jobsite Table Saw off of Facebook Marketplace dirt cheap. Next will be a probably be a router of some sort and more clamps (lots more clamps)I had a full woodworking shop in Colorado when I did my own cabinetry for custom homes. It was something that started as a hobby I enjoyed and turned into a lot of work. I sold a lot of the bigger stuff when I stopped doing residential in the '90's, but still have a enough to build a lot of things I need around or for the house. The basics will take you far, it just depends on what you're trying to build.
A table saw, power miter or radial arm saw, router, sander and a cordless drill and impact. Clamps, square, a vise comes in handy.
You mentioned getting a shop set up in your garage, my suggestion would be to build a good wood working bench as a project. You can find a lot of great plans for a wood working bench on line. If you start with the tools you need for that, you can go pretty far and add as you add new projects. Maybe a French cleat system for a wall or two in your new shop as the second. Before you know it, you'll have everything you need for most things you want to build and a nice setup to build in.
If you have any specific questions on things, you can PM me.
My first project (aside from reorganizing my garage) was building a workbench, it turned out pretty good but I’m already seeing a need to add a second that’s a bit taller that I can use as a feed out for my table saw. Also been looking at the French cleats for some things.
I will definitely pm you sometime as I am planning to build a kitchen island later this year.