For the record I get your point no matter how ridiculous it is. So please Oh Great Grasper of Straws. Please give any logical reason why Omar would post an old picture of himself from a month or two ago standing next to the N if he planned on leaving? Let me answer for you. It would not be logical. Now have 18-23 somethings do illogical things some times sure. But at least all the clues point towards him still being here. So to continue to maintain a theory that has no hard evidence is simply scare mongering at this point and does nothing to add to intelligent discussion on the board.
As the scout team player of the year last year. I would say that it makes sense that he is now in a position to help the team this year. C-1 to Div1 is a pretty huge leap for a true freshman. 1 year with the scout teams can do a lot to move the needle. Add to that the extended off season for him to learn the offense and working on his own with the QBS. It is entirely possible for him to be the next big walk on or he could be the next "Spring game hero"Blowing smoke or did this kid make a huge leap? He didn't see the field in a year when they desperately needed any WR to step up.