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100 Photos of the Wild West


Be Yourself - Everyone Else Is Already Taken
10 Year Member
Legacy of the West

Pinned by Legacy of the West

Legacy of the West

5 days ago (edited)

A little over halfway through the video is a photograph with the caption: "Art Pulliam hunting coyotes...Taken in 1889." The rifle in the photo appears to be an 1895 Winchester, which would of course make the date of the photo sometime after 1895. This photo was part of a collection in the Library of Congress that was taken from the Nebraska State Historical Society. It is a collection of photographs taken by Solomon Butcher in Nebraska. The Library of Congress has the date listed as 1889. This makes me wonder if other photographs in this collection are also dated incorrectly. I have used several of these photos in this video, and so the dates for these photos may also be incorrect, the photos include: "John Delane Wagon Shop, Broken Bow, Custer County, Nebraska." Taken in 1889. "D. Dunn just landed on his claim in Custer County." Nebraska. Taken in 1886. "Charley Meeks, Cowboy." Nebraska. Taken in 1886. "My first house in Nebraska." Solomon D. Butcher in front of his dugout. Circa 1886.

