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Stanley Morgan/Antonio Reed Arrested.

Nice!! But seriously, with the quality these days, a joint is a waste. That WAS enough for a month or so if he don't pass it!

More like enough for 6 months.

A little dab will do ya, but 6 months is too long to be holdin' or ridin' dirty!!
It is a social drug, so puff, puff, pass. Up in smoke sooner than you think.

Anyway.....dammit Stanley, be smarter about how you roll!!
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A little dab will do ya, but 6 months is too long to be holdin' or ridin' dirty!!
It is a social drug, so puff, puff, pass. Up in smoke sooner than you think.

Anyway.....dammit Stanley, be smarter about how you roll!!
Yeah, Rollin with that much is plain stupid. To not have it very well sealed is equally dumb.

Sounds like a case of DWB to get pulled over for something like that. I see it all the time in Omaha. Older white guys like myself can drift through stop signs and change lanes without signaling. If you're young and black/brown, you better not do the same. I work with adolescents who get stopped all the time for meaningless infractions that I wouldn't. Helped me get through my youth unscathed I suppose...

Sounds like a case of DWB to get pulled over for something like that. I see it all the time in Omaha. Older white guys like myself can drift through stop signs and change lanes without signaling. If you're young and black/brown, you better not do the same. I work with adolescents who get stopped all the time for meaningless infractions that I wouldn't. Helped me get through my youth unscathed I suppose...

The cop saw two young black men in a car with out of state plates. No doubt he profiled them thinking it was a stolen car. That has nothing to do with "white privilege".


Yes, let's continue to blame cops because two Husker players made a stupid decision.

If you want to get on the Reefer Train, you'd better go be a Husky or Buffalo. Heck, it's even semi legal in Oregon if you have a card (and any idiot can issue you one).

I'm certainly not pro-drug, but we have a lot of stupid morons who smoked it either way in this state. If it's gonna ruin their lives, I'm callously okay with the state taking their tax money for it.

Would be willing to bet that at least 75% of the team has smoked at one point or another (probably more actually). We're talking about college kids, afterall.
The cop saw two young black men in a car with out of state plates. No doubt he profiled them thinking it was a stolen car. That has nothing to do with "white privilege".


You kinda contradicted yourself here. Not saying they were in the right to break the law, just that they're more likely to be caught. I never have, it's nearly impossible for me to get pulled over because I'm a white guy in a Subaru, even the Mexican guy who illegally tinted my windows said the same. When I asked him if it was okay to tint my windows below the legal limit, he said (paraphrasing) "you're a white guy driving a Subaru, you'll be fine. If it was me..." I have privileges most don't, but unlike many, at least I admit it.


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